Sweet Tooth

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Chief of Police pov

I made my way to the Cathedral to repent for my sins again, I knocked on the door in a coded rhyme. Two monks opened the doors for me allowing me to walk down the aisle to the confessional. Other monks were chanting in Latin around the Cathedrals. “Keep it up, fellas, you sound terrific.” I complimented before slipping into the confessional, “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. I have had a hundred and fifty of these since my last confession.” I opened a small hatch in the wall separating me from the priest and slid a chocolate through.

I heard the faint sound of a wrapper opening and chewing but I ignored it, “Temptation is very hard to resist.” the priest responded.

“You can say that again. Send me down.” My half of the confessional descended. It’s a secret elevator that only the priest, me, and the chocolate courtel know about. The elevator landed in the crypt and a female security guard stood by the vault door and opened it for me. I stepped into the vault. There were pipes, valves, and gauges lines like a high tech machine room. Miss Bon-bon was writing in a green ledger while Slugworth, Fickelgruber, and Prodnose relaxed. “Good evening, gentlemen! I brought my invoice. One chocolatier moved on for the usual fee.” Miss Bon-bon took the invoice and put it in the ledger. Prodnose nodded at the butler. He went over to the machine, pushed a button which produced a single box of chocolate and handed it to me. “Ooh yeah, that's the good stuff.”

“How would you like to earn a few more of these?” Slugworth asked me.

“I’m listening.”

“We think that Wonka requires more than simply ‘moving on’. He’s good.”

“Too good.” Prodnose added.

“What's more, he only charges one sovereign a chocolate. So anyone can afford them! Even the... the…” Fickelgruber chimed in.

“Poor?” I asked because I assumed he lost his train of thought.
Unfortunately that resulted in Fickelgruber gagging and he put a handkerchief in front of his mouth. “Oh dear, I've just been a little bit sick in my mouth. Could you please refrain from referring to that demographic in my presence?”

“He doesn't like it when people say ‘poor.’” Prodnose explained to me which caused Fickelgruber to gag again. “Sorry, Felix.”

“We want you to send Wonka a ‘message’.” Slugworth interrupted.

“Backed up by physical force.”

“That if he tries to sell chocolate in this town again, he's liable to meet with a little ‘accident’.”

“In which he dies.”

“Yeah, I got that already.” I told Prodnose.

“You don't have to keep saying it.” Fickelgruber said, annoyed.

“Just making sure we're all on the same page.” Prodnose defended himself.

“No-one's on your page.”

“What's that supposed to mean? Well I know what it means -- actually what does it mean?”

“Gentlemen, please! So what do you say, Chief? Do we have a deal?” Slugworth interrupted, done with his associates.

“Now listen, fellas, I've always been happy to help in the past, but the point is, as my wife said, I'm an officer of the law and lately she's been wondering-- we've been wondering if all this criminality is really suitable for a man in my position.” I said firmly.

“I see.”

“I can't just go round roughing up your competition, I'm sorry.”

“Well now, Chief, I'm glad to see you're a man of integrity. But ask yourself this…” Slugworth started to sing, “Have you got a sweet tooth?”
“I do.”

“A hunger that you have to feed?”

“Have you got a sweet tooth?” Fickelgruber sang.

“I do.” I sang.

“Well, we've got everything you need!”

“Don't give me that conscience nonsense! It's simply quid pro quo, so…” Prodnose joined in on the song.

“A hundred of your favorites?” Slugworth offered me his hand.

“Sorry, I'm afraid it's no! I'm actually trying to cut down on chocolate, you know, get in shape for the policeman's ball.”

“But think about your sweet tooth.”

“I do. I’ve had it since I was a boy.”

“Your naughty little sweet tooth.” Fickelgruber sang.

“It’s true.”

“The only thing that brings you joy.” Prodnose chimed in.

“Don't look at your waistline! It's fine! Who needs to see their toes? So…” The chocolatiers all sang.

Slugworth offered his hand again, “Seven hundred boxes?”

I almost accepted their deal. Almost. “That's a lot of chocolates... No!”

“Alright, gentlemen, let’s give it the big sell.”

The chocolatiers all sang and danced around me, “Have you got a sweet tooth? Me too! Have you got the hots for chocs? Do you think that candy's dandy? Well we've got lots and lots and lots and lots and lots! If the wife's complaining, body-shaming, It's amazing what a tailor can conceal…” Fickelgruber handed me a business card to a tailor.

“Keep your wretched chocolates!” I snapped.

Slugworthed afford me his hand for the final time, “Eighteen hundred boxes?”

“Deal!” I accepted Slugworth’s hand immediately, regretting it because he gave me a bone crushing handshake.

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