Chapter 10: A bit of rope never hurt anyone! (Right?)

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Special thanks to MikeXDDDTheEpicMunciLaykebfbbooksfan2012totallynotnova241woffanJazmine_7382, and erandomdudesbackup for all the votes, comments, or follows!


Warning: H@n91n9, $u1$1d3, D3@th, Cur$1n9, P1ll$/Dru9$, Bl00d.

Please don't read the first, third, and fourth parts of this chapter if you are sensitive to these!


Chapter 10: A bit of rope never hurt anyone! ( Right? )


BEEP BEEP BEEP' an alarm clock rang.

"W-what? Nine A.M. already? Ugh..." a slice of chocolate cake with strawberry icing mumbled.

"Today is- SHIT! I forgot to give those darn painkillers to Leafy and Firey! And they're leaving this afternoon!" Cake screamed.

He ran as fast as possible to both Leafy's and Firey's rooms, almost forgetting the most important part—the painkillers.


Cake panted as he knocked on Leafy's dorm room door. As he knocked he said, "H-hey, Leafy? I g-got," his sudden coughing suddenly cut him off but he managed to build himself back up and continued, " As I w-was saying, I got you some p-painkillers!"

Her dorm door slightly creaked open, revealing a very tired lemon leaf. She was holding her hand on the back of her head.

She soon answered, "Oh, thanks! I needed that."

She had her bag full of necessities you would need when going on a two thousand-seven-hundred and-sixty-three-mile cruise on her peppermint green striped bed.

Her connecting door with Firey was also half-opened. If you weren't living under a rock, it seemed like they were going on a random trip together. She put her palm out to her chest, moving her hand up and down to at least try to tell the slice of chocolate cake with strawberry icing that she wanted him to put the canister of painkillers on the center of her palm.

After Cake put the canister of painkillers on Leafy's hand, she immediately packed it in her backpack. And screamed, "FIREY! ARE YOU READY?"

"WAIT! IM-" Firey screamed, but Leafy's screaming cut him off.

"WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO BE READY? FVCK YOU!" (A/N: they do this every day-) the lemon leaf shouted.

"Oh alright then, but when? On the boat?~" the flame teased.

Leafy face was a deep red by the time he ended his sentence. She was flustered. She tried her best to say something but it was a bit muffled under her intense blush, "Y-YOU KNOW T-THAT'S NOT W-WHAT I MENT!"

The two "love birds" were so lost in their train of talk that they didn't even notice that Cake was still standing there. Sooner or later, he backed up and returned to his dorm room.


"You think we should ask Cloudy about this mess? I mean Leafster and Fireboy are going on a cruise, Teardster is still very confused, and Lightning is- uh... You know." a lime-flavored jello said.

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