
Meanwhile -

Meanwhile -

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Mrs.Jeon is walking while her driver (35) is trying hard to stop her .

Driver: Ma'am what are you doing...? This place is not for you .

Mrs.Jeon rolls her eyes & glares at her driver .

Mrs.Jeon : Shut up brat...I need to find a girl ..& I know my plan will work ..*smile*

The driver shook his head after hearing her silly plan .

Driver: But madam why did you wear poor clothes....you don't need to?

Mrs Jeon: Son ....will you shut up or I might shut your mouth by tape.

Driver gulp as he respects Mrs.Jeon as his mother.

Driver: Ok but will this plan work?

Mrs.Jeon : Ofc .*cute smirk*

Driver : Ok...then I'm hiding somewhere....just call me ok Mrs.Jeon.

Mrs.Jeon : Ok now shut...shu ~

The driver nodded & left .

Mrs.Jeon looks around & thinks about her plan .

She starts walking slowly & finds few girls coming here.

Mrs Jeon :*in mind* start your acting skill Jeon Harin ... fighting!!

Mrs Jeon starts her super acting.She starts acting like she is feeling dizzy.

Those girls passed near her as they didn't care.

Mrs.Jeon : *in mind* Rude girls...they should care about old people.

While driver shook his head .

Soon Mrs Jeon's eyes found a girl coming in front of her .

Mrs Jeon smiles inside & again starts acting like she is feeling dizzy & going to fall .

That girl noticed her & caught her.

Girl : Are you ok Ajumma ? *Worry*

Mrs.Jeon : Yeah ...I'm feeling dizzy dear .

That girl makes her sit on the bench & pull out a bottle inside her bag .

Girl: Plz drink it....I think it's dihydration.

Mrs.Jeon smiles inside her brain & drinks the water.

Mrs Jeon : Tha..thank you dear .*smile*

Girl: No..no it's ok ...Ajumma ....why are walking here alone...& It's literally hot outside....you should go home.

Mrs.Jeon smile at her kindness & nodded.

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