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I was tossed into a holding cell with some other masters. I looked at them all and sighed. No words were exchanged until Jay got to us. "Y/n! Weren't you with Lloyd?" 

"We split up to cover more ground. That, and his dad was talking about his past with Chen, and I felt I was intruding." I explained. Shadow followed us a few hours later. As he was tossed in, he looked at us. We were all banged up, and trapped in a vengestone cage. There was nothing we could do. 

"You guys were right. It was never about any of us getting the staff-"

"We know." I said. "And we tried to warn you, help you, ally ourselves with you, but what do you all do? Play right into the traps laid out for us! Never trust a damn word out of that man! We tried to tell you! We were there after all, but nooo, you just had to try and be independent. Look where that landed us all!" I huffed, sitting back down. I took some deep breaths to calm myself and counted to ten in my head. 

"She's absolutely right you know." Jay said. A silence washed over us, and no more words were said. 

Until Kai was tossed in, Skylor standing by Chen's side. I walked to the bars, helping Kai up and looking at Skylor. 

"I knew there was something off about you. Ever since the spy incident. I should've known, who else would be able to slip through?" I asked, and she had a smirk on her face, but regret in her eyes. That's when it clicked. Kai didn't need to tell me; I beat him to it. "Of course, why didn't I see it sooner? Of course you'd side with your father." I walked away from the bars, disappointed, but also sad for Kai. While he wasn't into her like that, he still liked her platonically, and I know how much being betrayed by a friend can hurt. 

Soon enough, we were being led in vengestone chains to the area the ninja and I had discovered earlier in the tournament. "So the ninja and y/n were right. This was never about any of us winning any tournament. This was always about something sinister!" 

"What gave it away?" I asked. 

"Yeah, was it the cult following, or the giant snake head?" Shade joined in. Jay was humming happily. What was with him? 

"We were fighting each other for so long, it took all of us losing to finally pull us together. Too bad it's too late."

"Why are you humming?" Kai asked, a little annoyed. "You do know they're about to take our powers?" Kai asked Jay, making sure. 

"Since these cursed shackles have blocked our powers, I choose to use the power of positive thinking. Lloyd will come save us. You just wait."

"Jay, I appreciate your optimism, but Lloyd's just one person. Sure, he's got his dad and Nya, but he's still outnumbered facing a cultist's army."

"What are you saying? You saying you don't have faith in him?"

"No, I'm saying I'm scared He's going to die trying." I said, worry overtaking my voice. "I've gotten so close to you guys, and the other masters, but closest to Lloyd during my time here. I'm just... I can't stop regretting not telling him the truth." 

"What truth?" I sighed. 

"Don't make me say it. I'm not good with mushy stuff." He chuckled. 

"What? That you like him? I think he's already long since picked up on that."

"I know. I was just hoping I'd gain the confidence to actually say it to his face." I sigh as we're forced to stop. I look at Skylor, who's looking away in shame. Maybe she isn't so on board with this plan either. I guess we'll have to wait and see what she does. 

"Go ahead and look away. But you know as well as I do that after he takes our powers, he's still going to need yours."

"You don't understand. My father gets everything he wants, I had no choice." 

"Just tell me; was it his idea to be friends with me, or yours. Cause it worked. I really thought we could trust you." Skylor seemed like she was going to cry at that. I looked deep in her eyes and saw a shattered person. She really thought she had no choice, did she? With a father like Chen, I'd be scared to rebel too. I just hope she realizes what she can really do before it's too late. 

"Lock em' down." We were forced to kneel. "All rise for master Chen!" His minions cheered as he used the power of gravity to float himself and his chair down. 

"Look at me, I'm floating!" He lost control for a second and his minions gasped. "I've got it, I've got it!" He set himself down as they continued to cheer. "I just got distracted by how awesome this place looks! Well done, Clouse. You've really set the mood. And look at this! Soon I'll have more power! It's good to be me!"

"You may have us, but you still don't have the green ninja." 

"Ah yes, I bet right now he'll swoop down and save you in the very last moment and teach me a valuable lesson. Well, I'll wait. I love lessons." He said, sitting back down. 

"Any minute now." Jay said, losing faith with every second. 

"That's enough, I'm bored. But here's a lesson, don't be a sore loser! Only one can remain!" With a cold zap, we were lifted in the air, and all groaned in pain. It was like being frozen from the inside out, and a part of my soul was being ripped away from my body. "The power is mine! All mine!" He said as the last of our powers drained from us. 

"He never came." Jay said sadly. 

"No. He didn't." 

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