Chapter 19- Peace

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(A/N: Good Morning/Afternoon/Night! I reached 600 views and 50 votes! Thank you all so much again! :)

I wanted to say that from the day 12 to 18 of this month I will be in a summer camp and I'm not even sure of they have wifi, (I write this story on my tablet) but I know for a fact them I won't have a lot of free time to write my story so don't expect any updates on that week. Thank you for understanding. :)

I want you guys to know that I really appreciate your comments and votes and all that stuff, so please if you have any kind of opinion about my story that you want to share, don't hesitate to do it.

I have a friend, dirtyKoala, that read my story and in a few parts she was confused and didn't understood something. Much like me, English is not her main language so it can be a little more confusing for her, but if your reading my story and in some part it gets confusing please let me know!)


I slowly shook myself out of Ian's grip, which he allowed, and lazily dragged myself to a corner to the moving van, supporting my arms on my knees and staring at nothing.

"Do you guys want to tell me what I'm doing here?" I said, covering my insecurity with an anoyied voice.

"I've told you already, princess, you're here to see you're prince." He said, sarcasm soaking his voice.

"Well why couldn't he calll me or something?" I said referring to my mate. 'Like I would answer!' I thought to myself.

"You were avoiding him. You made it pretty clear, so when he asked us to bring you to him, we just thought it would be faster like this." Ian said indifferently.

"You thought that kidnapping me was the answer?" I asked rethorically.

"Yeah, we did." He said as the van came to a stop. "Now come on darling, time to face your fears." He said winking mischievously at me.

I started at him, half waiting for him to just tell this was a joke, but he stood there with a smirk, enjoying my misery. Dick. I harshly got up and walked out of the van, ignoring the hand Ian was holding in the air, making a mocking and ridiculous bow to me as I passed by him, making me roll my eyes at him.

I stopped once I spotted the Pack House. It was huge. The main part of the building was about 4 stories high, pure white and with beautiful but simple balconies on some of the rooms. On the right of this part of the Pack House was a 2 story high building, more simple and with multiple plain rectangular windows with view for the immense woods that surrounded us.

'There must have been where I woke up after I passed out.' I said referring to the hospital looking building I had just stated at. I had no more time to appreciate the mansion that stood in front of me due to the firm hand that wrapped itself around my forearm, pushing me towards the enormous building I had just started at.

I didn't really fight back since A. If I was going to have a fight with my mate, I would have to save my strength, B.I had nowhere to go, C.I didn't knew where I was and D. I honestly just wanted to get this sorted out and go home.

Ian pushed me in the direction of the front door, keeping a firm grip on my arm, while the Beta trailed behind us. It was quite amusing to see this actually. The Beta should be the dominant one, the one in charge, but right now the Beta looked like Ian's little lap dog. It was quite wierd actually, Cole didn't act that submissive when he was with his Alpha in the interrogation room, but he is acting all dog like with Ian. I could understand it though, Ian, being the brutal kind he is, no offence to Derek, radiates a huge amount of power, making the other wolfs feel the need to bow down to him. But still, a Beta submitting to a common pack member? That was strange.

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