Chapter Fourthteen

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Lillian was at home right know getting dress

For her date with Megatron, she never been on a date before in her life

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For her date with Megatron, she never been on a date before in her life.
Then their was a knock at her door.
"That must be him." Lillian said. As she went to the door.
And opens it, to see Megatron in a nice suit.
Megatron eyes widened as he smiled at Lillian.
"Lillian you look beautiful." Megatron said.
Lillian smiles and said. "And you look handsome."
Megatron smirks at that and said. "Thank you."
As Lillian entered Megatrons car, who is knockout pretending to be a car for Megatron to take Lillian out.
"Nice car." Lillian said.
"Thanks, he was wax lot." Megatron said.
Lillian giggles at this.

(Time skip.)

At the restaurant, Megatron got the best table innthe restaurant

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At the restaurant, Megatron got the best table innthe restaurant.
As they were eating food, and as they talk and laugh.
Megatron then saw the scar on her forehead and hand wanted to know who did this.
Who has hurt, his sparkmate.
"What happened to you, how you got those scars." Megatron asked.
Lillian frowns at this, but she answered.
"This scar." She pointed at her hand, "Was from a teacher at my school, back from my home." She said, Megatron growls, the scar it read something.
"I must not tell lies." It read.
Megatron was angry at this, he will deal with this teacher. When he will find out, who this teacher is and kill her.

"And this I got from a madman, I was just a baby. When I got, and I also when he killed my parents." Lillian said, as a tear came out one of her eyes.
Megatron was shocked by this, of her losing her parents.
He puts his hand on hers, Lillian looks up at him. "I am sorry you have to go through that." He said, Lillian smiles at him and said. "Thank you."

And Megatron smiles right back.
And as they continue eating their food.

As they were done, Megatron drives Lillian home.
Lillian gets out the car, and looks at Megatron.
"Thanks for the ride, and dinner." Lillian told Megatron.
Megatron smiles at her and said. "Your Welcome. I have a fun night as well."
Lillian blushes at him, and walks towards her house.
Megatron smiles as he watches her walk away.
But then knockout speck.
"Well, that was a great night my lord. Let's go back to the war ship."
Megatron glares at the wheel, and knockout shutters at this.

Lazerbeck was watching the houes as well, so people dosen't kidnapped her like MECH.
As he was scanning the neighborhood for people.
But he couldn't something, a person was watching Lillian entered her house.

A woman she let's out a crazy laugh.
"I found you, baby potter." She said insane, before letting out another laugh

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