This way he will watch himself falling on his own. I can do it.

" We agree on this " I said looking at Pyara who smiled nodding her head.

" Yes we are ready " She said then she looked at the Moksh and threw him her ' here's the middle finger for you ' expressions.

" Fine , now the voting will decide, " Moksh said, getting up from his seat. Followed by the bitch Arya and the silent son Krish. Giving me one last glance he went upstairs. My mother turns to me and Haya and gives us a Thumbs up.

" I know you both can do it. Go tigers " Me and Haya laughed .

" We can do it, right? " I said as she nodded her head.

" Of course we can do it, my husband. " I pulled her in a hug, sighing in her arms. She softly kissed my chest. Mom slightly left the dining table.

" I'm sorry Pyara it was our honeymoon period but look now I'm pulling you in my messed up life " I said kissing the top of her head.

" Messed up , yes.. But Rohan looks like we are a couple because we need to help each other in times of hardship, and I'm happy to be by your side. " She said, looking up at me while her chin was resting on my chest. I softly kissed her nose.

" Allah, I don't even know why I hated you in the first place, you are my heaven Pyara. " She kissed my nose as well.

" You are my heaven too Rohan, the perfect heaven , so we will win this war. " I nodded my head towards her . She frowned.

" Is there's something you want to tell me, you seem to look so stressed and also why That Moksh was looking at you like this "

I opened my mouth to tell her everything but nothing came out.

A part of me is scared of how she will look at me. She will never look at me like I'm her perfect heaven , she will see the sides of me I tried so hard to hide. I don't want her to see the broken parts where I'm just a miserable kid.

" No there's nothing Pyara, it's just I don't like Moksh, so you too should hate him " I said as she smiled.

" So we hate him? " She asked as I nodded my head. She quickly wore determined expressions

" We Hate Him " She nodded head at me, as laughter escaped me. What is this woman?

" You are really something " She narrowed her eyes on me .

" I know I know, now let's go we should not wait "


The sun rises, and Haya and I start our day. We're working hard to get votes for the CEO position. Moksh Rohan Uncle is our opponent, but we won't give up. We go everywhere, talking to people, telling them why they should vote for us. We start campaigns, making posters and talking to groups. We don't stop, not even for a minute. At night, when the stars come out, Haya and I sit together. We look up at the sky and pray to Allah. We ask for help, for strength to keep going. Then, we go to bed, feeling hopeful. Every day is the same. We wake up early, work all day, and pray at night. We do everything we can to win. We know it won't be easy, but we're determined. Sometimes, it's hard. We get tired, and things don't always go our way. But we don't give up. We encourage each other, reminding ourselves why we're doing this.

" And I believe the company needs a new mindset. As we are growing with the world we need to look at the parts of growing with the young generation. For this you need someone who understands the youngsters "

I ended my meeting as everyone left, only my Pyara was left in the meeting room. She clapped for me as I smiled at her. We are both so tired but still we know what we need to do.

" I'm proud of you my husband " She said and I sighed, losing my tie. I took big steps towards her. She was standing looking at me with shining eyes.

In one swift I picked her up and made her sit on the table standing between her legs. I smashed my lips on her. She sighed in my kiss and her fingers got lost in my hairs.

I nearly eat her out, tasting her is the sweetest addiction. The sweetest one and I'm an addict now.

I pulled away slowly letting her Breathe. She looks exactly mine when I eat her out. Her lips look exactly like mine.

" Kiss me again " She said as I smiled and pulled her in the kiss again. Forgetting the world around us we spoke to each other in silence.


" Let's threaten everyone " I rolled my eyes at Nouman who just suggested that we should threaten everyone for votes .

" Nice idea, we should go with it " Ahad said as Ayesha slapped his chest. Only she can do it to Ahad Malik.

" No Rohan my brother, you are doing amazing, just don't go the wrong way. '' She said, raising her eyebrows at Ahad who gulped slightly and nodded his head.

" Exactly that's what I was saying, don't listen to Nouman '' Ahad said nodding towards Ayesha who approved. Biwi Ka Ghulam Hai yeh

( he is wife's slave )

" Rohan passed me the glass, " Haya said as I quickly picked up the glass for her.

" Yes Mam " I smiled and when I look back at everything , especially Ahad, I know exactly what he is thinking .

Tu bhi biwi ka Ghulam hai

( you are also wife's slave)

I can hear his internal voice. I nervously smiled .

" I help in this voting thing " Kashif said but he was just looking at hania, hania was busy looking at her nails. This man is whipped.

" And how will you do it? " I asked, trying to gain his attention but this man was just looking at his wife. I'm sick of all these people . At least I don't do it--

I turned head towards My Pyara, she smiled and ya Allah, my breath was snatched away . She was looking so beautiful. This is a torture. I kept on looking at her because I could not move my eyes from her. As if she is the only person here.

" Rohan stop looking at her like this " I was pulled out from my dreamland when this woman wearing red voiced out.


Seriously she is a pain in... Well like from the first time we met she has been trying to get on my nerves and ALSO She has this weird eyes for my Pyara.

" She is my wife. I will look at her however I want, " I said, narrowing my eyes. She smirked.

" Don't go all there flying. She is my friend first "

I was about to teach this woman a good lesson when Nouman glared at me and he said with his eyes.

Say one more word and I will set your house on fire.

I narrowed my eyes on him

So keep you Little kitten away from my Pyara


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