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Senri didn't waste any time to pleasure the woman that he loved and adored, even if he was punishing her. He didn't completely deprive her of feeling the pleasure that he wanted her to feel. Instead of denying her release-he chose to bite her thigh and drink from her as her punishment which made her voice go up a few octaves as he felt her hand on the top of his head.


As he finished drinking from her he licked the wound before going back to her womanhood to pleasure her more until she came against his tongue. Once he pulled away from her, he was quick to undo his pants enough to slip himself from his pants before going inside of her. He didn't wait for her to get used to him, he got too turned on by the sound of her moans and was just too much for him. His head ended up in the crook of her neck as he let out low groans each time he went inside of her as his hold on her waist became rather possessive.

He refused to let her go as he drove himself into her repeatedly until they both came. Once they did Senri looked at her and kissed her on the lips. "The next time I tell you to stay put-you better stay the hell put. Got it?"

She quickly nodded her head. "G-Got it Senri...I...I apologize."

"Your monthly is making your emotions go all over the place isn't it?" Senri asked with a sigh

She nodded her head again as she teared up "I...I don't want to get close to you two then end up getting left behind...I...I don't want to be alone Senri." She said before she broke down crying in front of him

He pulled her into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. "There-there, it'll be alright. Don't worry about it, I had forgotten until I placed you on the counter that you were cycling. That's on me not you, I shouldn't have left you on your own when it was your first time. I should have waited for Rima to come back to the room and kept you company. I was the shitty person not you, I should have known better than to leave you on your own. That's on me. So I'm sorry. I never meant for things to get so high strong between us."

"S-So you're not angry with me anymore?" She asked through her sobs

"I was never angry with you-upset yeah. You disobeyed me. But after realizing what I had done...yeah that was all on me. I had no reason to be upset with you. I can only imagine that you cried yourself to sleep last night didn't you?"

She nodded her head against his chest. "Y-Yeah.....I...I did."

He petted the back of her head softly as he shut his head placing his head on top of hers. "Can you forgive me for being out of line Sina?"

"M-Mhm....I can forgive you Senri. May I go back to making food please?"

He made her look up at him before he kissed her on the lips. "No, clean yourself up and go curl up on the couch. I'll take over for you alright?"

"O...Okay Senri. I love you." She said with a small smile as she sniffled a bit

"I love you too Sina. Now go." He said as he moved away from her to adjust himself

She nodded her head and went to the bathroom taking her panties with her. Once she got out of the bathroom Rima was standing outside. "Senri talk with you yet?"

"He did."

"You better not do that shit again! How dare you leave the room when he told you not to! He-"

"He left me in that damn room alone after taking my damn virginity! He left me for you! Do you have any idea the many thoughts that go through my mind when I'm cycling? Or on a daily basis?! No you don't! So get the fuck off of my damn fucking back Rima! I don't give a fuck if you are pregnant that's not a damn reason to be a cunt ass bitch like Rika to me!" Sina growled out angered before she walked towards the kitchen.

"Hey Senri, Rima woke up and started shit with me about last night. Can you talk to her about it please before she gets pissy and starts to throw hands at me because she's pregnant and using that as a damn excuse?"

Senri let out a sigh before he looked at her. "That woman...When she inevitably comes out here whining like the brat she is I'll deal with her. You just go sit on one of the couches alright?"

"Alright...Thank you Senri."

[Complete] Book one: Dreamless Love [Senri Shiki Love story] Plush! AUWhere stories live. Discover now