Green mango to Dev Manush (ft. Rohit , Surya , Rahul!)

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Hey guys,

It's been a while, there were no updates....tbh I had no motivation to write and when I wanted to get back to writing my brain decided to be black with a block..... Finally I forced myself and wrote something but I'm not really happy with the output but aaah.... thought to update something then nothing so hopefully you will like this update..... please do vote and comment....and let me know how you liked this one....all suggestions and feedback are welcomed....


"Why is this sun man always around him....ahhh I Hate this IPL " groaned a Man child who proclaimed himself as more mature than other juniors.

"What happened, Skip? Why are you so frustrated" asked Quinny.

" Nothing Quinny " sighed Rah.

Time skip
The LSG team was practicing when the MI team came to the ground.

Rahul was near nets and saw Rohit, Surya and Jass coming together laughing about something... " Yaha bhi vo Sun Man sathi hai " he murmured but Quinny who was just beside him heard it but couldn't understand much so he stayed quiet.

Around an hour later :

Rahul saw Rohit sitting alone while padding taking his chance he went to meet him . They had hardly greeted each other when he saw Surya coming towards them and he murmured " ye firse aa gaya '' Ro  heard it but couldn't understand what exactly Rahul meant.

But Surya who had come to greet Rahul noticed the slight changes in Rahul's expression but he didn't say anything, just greeted Rahul and just actioned Ro to join him for practice and left.

Late evening:

Everyone had returned to the hotel after practice apart from MI's second batch. Surya was cursing his luck because Jassi was still stuck at the ground and now he had to talk with Rahul about Rohit's midnight b'day celebration which Rohit had strictly warned them that it should be close fair with few closed ones.

Surya and Jassi had taken it upon themselves to invite players who are close to Ro. While making a list they had decided to invite Rahul too since they were staying nearby. Jassi was supposed to convey the invite to Rahul but since Rahul had already left the ground before Jassi could meet him. So now Surya had to invite Rahul since he was already out to get a few things.

Rahul POV

I was just laying in bed scrolling through the phone, when I got Athiya's text asking whether I'm going to Rohit's midnight b'day celebration which she was informed about by Ritsy.

I didn't reply to her since I was not aware of the celebration nor anyone thought to let me know.... " They didn't inform me....I can understand about the MI team but even Jass--- " before I could think more I heard a knock on my door.

Opening the door I was surprised to see that Sun man....being courteous I greeted  him with a smile and said " Hey Surya, come inside." 

He came inside and was standing near the couch.

" Come Seat Surya and tell me what brought you here.... Ab aur kya chahiye pata nahi... already toh you  hijacked my BRo" last part was a mere whisper which Surya couldn't understand.

" Umm....Rahul, I came here to invite you to Ro Bhai's midnight b'day celebration... Actually Jass was supposed to invite you but he is still stuck in practice and you guys didn't meet too and since I was already out so thought to invite you personally rather than calling you because it's already late evening I didn't want you to feel like we forgot you or something.... Really sorry buddy I wanted to tell you in the morning only on the ground but I thought you would like it if Jass invited you so will you come? I know it's match day tomorrow and the celebration isn't too big, just Ro's closed ones will be there, " said Surya.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 05 ⏰

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