☆ Chapter 12 ☆

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I have to admit it. Prisha is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen both inside and outside. When I saw her a sense of possessiveness swept over me. I want to protect her from all the evil out there. She deserves the world. I literally right now want to worship the floor she is walking on.

 I literally right now want to worship the floor she is walking on

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(Prisha's outfit)

(Karthik's outfit)

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(Karthik's outfit)

"You look gorgeous Tesoro" I said to Prisha.

"Um, thanks. You look good too. Let’s go?" She said. I am glad she didn't ask me the meaning of Tesoro.

We entered the club and we were welcomed by the noise of loud DJ and people dancing all over. I led Prisha to the VIP section and made sure she becomes comfortable.

"You ok? Seems like you never came here." I asked Prisha.

"Why do you think I would come to a club? I barely went to any parties." She said and that did amuse me.

"What's the use of earning so much if you can't spend it for yourself. Clubbing is not just about fucking random people. You can come here, have some drinks and dance with your friends as much as you want. Were you this boring in your teenage too?" I asked her in a playful manner. When I spoke those words I saw some kind of different emotions in her eyes. Sadness.

"I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. I am sorry." I said.

"It’s ok Karthik. All my life, I spent pleasing my parents. All my life, I just studied and never felt like opening to anyone although I felt hurt. I went through many emotions in my teenage but my parents were too busy to make my brother happy that they forgot that they have a daughter. Now I feel too old. Trust me, I don't want to feel like this, but when I see girls my age, enjoying their life, I regret all my decisions I committed in my past. Now, I am trying to learn. It may take time. I am sorry, I went overboard." Prisha said with many emotions and who would sense it better than me.

"Prisha, it's okay to express yourself. You are an independent woman. You can literally do whatever you want now. As of your parents, don't care about them. Even my father wasn't with me in my hardest times. Not everyone can become as we want them to be. Just go with the flow. I am always there for you. You just need to trust me." Prisha smilled and nodded hearing my words. I would have been a good therapist I suppose.

"Now, let's begin our plan shall we?" Prisha asked.

"Yes Madam. As you say." I said playfully.


I never knew that I would open up to a person I know hardly for a month. I don't know why but I feel safe when I am with Karthik. I never felt this with Nikhil. When I used to talk about my childhood incidences, he would either laugh or make fun of me. When I spoke about my feelings and my regrets I thought Karthik would say the same, but, he didn't. He didn't make fun of me. Instead, he supported me and asked me to trust him. He is a gem. The woman he will get married to will be the luckiest.

"He has entered the club. He will come here with his mistress. Do as I said. Ok?" Karthik said and I nodded.

I was impatiently waiting to see the ugly man's face who is cheating on his lovely wife. It was not that I was very curious in curing the world. Karthik had hyped me so much that I just couldn't help. A strange feeling told me that this could go worse. I already faced the worse so why not. The door of the VIP section opened and I saw the man's face. When I saw the person, I couldn't believe. It seemed that all this was a joke. My breathe hitched.

No this can't be him. Why it has to be him..


Any guesses who this could be 🤔?

My Cheating HusbandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora