Falling inlove

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Shawn's POV
We got a flashlight, and sat on the floor in a circle.Both looked very scared.
Shawn: it's just a rat.
Ray: who knows what disease it might contain.
Shawn:you are a grown man in the mafia yet you are scared of a simple rat?

Ray:you should have seen it eyes,it wanted to kill me.
Shawn: don't worry,it won't kill it's kind.
Ray:hey! I hope it crawls onto you tonight.

Shawn: whatever, qutub are you sure you don't want to sleep on the bed?
Qutub:it has bedbugs.

(It took us two hours before we could fall asleep.Suddenly I felt someone holding me.I turned to see,my brother)

Shawn:get off !(he got off.Later on I felt someone touching my face.It was most definitely qutub, because she was sleeping infront of me)

But then I heard squeaking.I grabbed the flashlight and turned it on, only to find the rat starring at me.

I couldn't help but yell and jumped onto the bed.
(Qutub and my brother both joined me onto the bed.Suddenly the lights came on.So we decided not to sleep, since it was almost seven a.m.)

The hotel called, and apologised for locking us out,they had a policy that after 12am they would close the hotel.

We went back to the hotel.I got ready and went for the meeting.The meeting was boring as usual.My mind drifted to qutub.

I couldn't help but fall for her.The more I fall for her,the more I regret hitting her.

The first day I saw her,I won't lie, she caught my attention but I brushed her off, and now am married to her.

I was supposed to marry Evelyn but I ended up getting married to her.It felt like a beautiful mistake.I was in denial in the beginning,but seeing how good she was,I have grown a soft spot for her.

She is cute, atimes melodramatic but so innocent.She was very kind and I was evil.Could she ever love me? After what I did?

Qutub's POV
Last night and earlier this morning was very funny.The big bad don was scared of a rat.

It was funny how he jumped onto the bed.Seeing him letting loose and being human with emotions, felt nice.

And how he stole that Teddy bear for me,was amazing.I wish he could be like this all the time.But I can't help but feel scared that he might hurt me again.

Ray had taken me shopping to get more modest clothing.That night went to a party.I was approached by a creepy man.
Man:Assalamu Alaikum little lady.

Man: aren't you going to reply back in your native greeting?
Qutub: I can but I just chose not to.

Man: that's not friendly
Qutub:well I don't know you,so.
Man:my name..
Qutub: doesn't matter, excuse me.

(I walked off to the hall near the bathroom but this man had followed me.He grabbed my hand)
Qutub:let me go!
Man:you will not reject me,I will make you mine

THE DON'S MUSLIM PHOTOGRAPHERNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ