The bloody photographer

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Qutub's POV
Few days later, Ray had gone on a trip.I did whatever the don told me.My room was being checked for termites.

I knew it was those women who once had thrown my camera in the pool.Her name was Piper and her sidekick was Stacy.

Piper was obviously the Don's mistress.It didn't hurt me one bit, because him sleeping with her, saves me from getting raped by him.

It was afternoon, time for prayer .I decided to pray in the open close to the garden.

I was praying when suddenly Piper and Stacy decided to pour cold water on me as I prayed.I didn't budge.

I just continued praying,they didn't stop and got another bucket of water but surprisingly Shawn stopped them.

He grabbed the bucket and poured it on them.I was done, praying.
Shawn:am the only one who gets to treat her like that.

Piper:but Shawn
Shawn:get out both of you!(they ran off.I was freezing.He suddenly carried me off my feet bridal style.)

He stared at me with those green dead eyes.An emotion flashed in them,but it soon dissapeared.

He brought me to my room and dropped me onto the bed.
Shawn:get dressed,we have an event to attend.

Qutub: I don't understand.
Shawn:you are not only my wife but also my photographer remember.Evelyn hired you with my order.I will see you tonight.

He left.That night,I got dressed.I needed to get my old clothes back,many of Evelyn's clothes weren't that modest,but I made it work.

I found a thin hand jumpsuit,but I wore a long sleeved top inside before wearing the jumpsuit over it.

I came out to find him standing there,the usual,a black shirt and black pants.

He wore three rings on his fingers.He didn't even acknowledge me and walked off,I followed after him.We got in the car.

The driver took us to a warehouse.I immediately became scared.We entered a room where a man had been tied up and beaten.

There was blood everywhere.
Shawn:start taking pictures
Qutub: what?
Shawn:do your job.

(He walked over to the man and started hitting him.I covered my mouth trying not to scream.Later on he came to me.)

Shawn:did you take the pictures?
Qutub:I..(like a flash his hand connected to my face.)

He had slapped me hard.I stumbled to the floor but he caught me by my head
Shawn:move!(he dragged me as I cried.He made me kneel infront of the man he was beating up and shoved me down.he rolled up his sleeves)

Shawn:now ,grab the camera and do your job(I was shaking with fear) now!
(I grabbed the camera and started taking pictures.While taking the picture, he shot the man.I froze as the blood spilled on my face.He took the camera from me)

Shawn:good,you got the perfect shot of the bullet piercing his come on(he tried to grab my hand but I flinched and quickly got up.He pointed me to a bowl of water where I was my face.)

I still felt the side of my bleeding.I touched it and realized that my face had started swelling, and it bled due to the rings on his fingers.

THE DON'S MUSLIM PHOTOGRAPHERWhere stories live. Discover now