Part 3: Run

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     A mixture of panic and fear flooded my senses as I blundered down the steep rockside. I bolted across the rocks like a fleeing prey animal with the goal of making it into the dead forrest area below where I could maybe lose them.

     "Wait!” One of the voices called out. “We aren't going to hurt you!" 

     I was almost tempted to stop, to consider these men further. But my better instincts implored me to run. 

     All of the quick and sudden quick movements caused my head to feel dizzy. But I kept my eyes training down on the rocks and my feet steady. 

     “Stop! Ve’ mean no harm!" The accented voice yelled. 

     Maybe they did. Maybe they didn’t. I didn't want to find out. 

     I nimbly leaped from one boulder to the next as I got closer and closer to the forest floor below. I quickly slid down the side of a particularly large and smooth boulder and managed to steal a quick glance behind me. 

     The black hair man in blue was the closest as he skillfully navigated the rough terrain while his two blonde companions lagged behind.  

     The dizziness started to get worse as my head started to pound from the exertion and dehydration. I found myself clenching my jaw tightly to keep my eyes focused. 

     I hurriedly thought of a way to block out a heat signature. Mud could block a heat signature. But for mud you needed rain... I hadn't seen rain in almost two years. 

     Maybe I could hide underground? There were hovels and ditches dotted all throughout the barren landscape. Maybe that would be enough. 

     All of a sudden, I felt the rock beneath me somehow disappear as I stepped upon an unstable stone. I tumbled forward, losing my balance, and falling face first. I let out a surprised yelp as my right leg was skinned upon the rock below. My hands quickly came forward, reaching out to stop the fall. I knew immediately that I was bleeding and groaned in annoyance at the sharp pain emanating from the fresh wound on my leg.

     The footsteps were closing in. I racked my unsteady brain for a way out but the only thing I got were the very tiny little black dots that lined my vision. 

     Gritting my teeth, I rose back to my feet and my leg burned in protest. I instinctively reached for the knife at my waist and released it from its sheath. Although the skin on my hands burned, I gripped the knife tightly in determination. 

     I wasn't going to outrun them, but I wasn't going to just sit here either.  

     I turned fully to finally face the men chasing me. Adrenaline pumped rampantly through my veins as I raised the knife in a self defense stance. 

     The black haired man in blue slowly came to a stop as he noticed my aggressive position. I must have looked like a wild animal at this point, wirh my wild red hair and dirty clothes, but the man’s expression betrayed no emotion.

     His body language was rigid and calculated. Every movement he made seemed strategic. Once he came to a stop I noticed that he wasn't even out of breath. 

     For another brief moment, our eyes clashed. His dark brown versus my hazel. We stood just ten feet apart in a flat basin. 

     I swallowed anxiously, my eyes darting down to the gun at his waist as I stood my ground. I stood no chance against all three of them but maybe if I wounded this one it could buy me time. Maybe I could get his gun.

     The dark haired male didn't reach for his weapon though. Instead he raised his hands slowly into the air in a nonthreatening manner. I watched his every movement closely as my temples continued to throb. 

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