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"-Where does the clothes came from?

-Oh! It's just my sport clothes

-Do you use any parfum?

-Uhh I don't really use perfume but I like to use the Axe dark temptation body spray. Why ?

-It smeel good!

-Oh my...thank you. Anyways I have to go see ya!


Before he goes he gives you a paper with his phone number. You think that you should text him to give him back his clothes.

At the end of the day you decide to do it.

text :

-Hey Junior

-Who is it ?


-Oh hey, do you need somethings ?

- I'm back home and i change. I want to give you your clothes back, when i can do it ?

-If you want you can come at the end of my training. It finish a 10p.m.

-Yeah why not. Just where is it ?

- Oh yes! It's *give you the place*

-Okay see ya later

You arrive a few minutes in advance. You see him far away on the field.

You wait for the training to end. When he see you, he wave his hand to say hey. You decide to do the same.

"-So you come!!

-Yeah, so here's your clothes" You give him a bag

"-I'll take after. I have to change myself first.

-Umh okay I'll wait." He doesn't reply he just run into the cloakroom. A few minutes later he join you on the tribune. You give him a bag with his clothes.


-Thanks! And again sorry for Jane, she's a bit crazy..

-Don't worry, it's a fun experience for a first day.

-Yes kinda."  You laugh together

"-So how was your training

-I had some fun with the boys but t was tiring. I really need a good sleep.

-We should go home then.

-Yeah but if you don't mind i should go home with you. You know to make sure you go home safely.

-I mean.. yes if you want to. But i have to take a bus.

-Don't worry I'll come with you."

You move out from the tribune to go to the stop bus. But when you arrive you see that there will be no bus before the morning.

"- Oh shit... What can I do now ?

-No idea.. But if you want you can sleep at my house. I have an another room.

-It's not like I have a lot of choices.

-For sure."

You start walking. But you were tired so you start yawning.

"-You tired ?

-Yeah a bit, this day was a bit hectic.

-Yeah for sure! Do you want me to carry you ?

-Hahaha don't worry it's fine, and you tired too!

-No come on go on my back!

-Okay then, but tell me if i'm too heavy!"

You jump on his back for him to carry you!

"-My back is comfortable ? 

-Haha yeah!"

You finally arrive at his house.

"-Here we are! Follow me I will guide you to your room.

-Umhh okay but do you have some pyjamas for me or something to sleep with ?

-A jersey will be good ?

-Yeah why not!

-Real madrid or Al-Nassar

-Real for sure!

-Umhh... You have some good taste! Here's

-Thanks Junior

-If you need anything my room is right here!

-Okay thanks, good night !

-Good night too!"

lover with cristiano juniorOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant