who am i really ? human or a monster?

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"i hate morning"

Then someone yell from downstars 'wake up already you lazy girl, you have chores to do'

i didnt introduse myself did i? Hi my name is Flame Mizusawa. The name mizusawa was given to me by the Agams family who found me when i was 6 . i dont know how they came up with it but it stuck with me just like the silver braselet that i have on my left arm. 

'come down already', "im coming, geez"

* they have they own kids but all the chores are my duty like always. When ever they do somethink its always Flame did it and i end up without dinner, but they blaming will soon end. Im turning 23 in two days and they say that im gonna be evicted. Thank god, im just glad that i already pay of the money they say i own them.  And i have packed all my thinks already on my bike that i got from extended family who adore me for my good behaver and atletics. *

'finally your here, here is the list of chores for you. Today is Xanders birthday and we celebrating by going to town for few hours' 

"they gonna be done ma'am, also in two days im leaving. Just letting you know" 'ah yes, your finaly the age. Do the chores and then take the food that is left in the fridge for you'

And the family without Flame who clean the entire house and backyard for Xander birthday party that gonna take place in the evening for the entire family. In two hours the house was spotless and ready. Flame even prepair the food and enertaiment. Agams came back around 4 p.m. and Flame got premission to be at the party because they know that extended family love her personality and her birthday are in two days so that she can tell everyone that she is leaving 

two days later

Flame is officially out of the house and she cant be happier. But she is also sad because she now cant see the cool uncles and ants no more. They gave her a gift that its priceless to her. Locket with they photo so that she can remember them.  but in a few hours he live gonna take 360 turn

she keept driving where the wind guide her and it guide her to a weird forest that she never know exist. But sudenlly she smell somethink and follow the scent to a glade with heavy atmosphere where she saw a weard bat creature that eat somethink? 

"what is tha..." she tried to say but her chest start hurting like somethink was about to awake 
"w what d does this mean?" Flame keep asking herself before she lost sight like she was about to pass out and smoke come out of her  

(start at 2:03 for the fight and stop at 5:12)
(also imagine origin Omega with register on his left arm)

scene change to a house in the woods

Flame wake up in a few hours in a room she doesnt recognize with two unfamiliar persons

"w where am i, who are you?" Flame jump up into a corner ready to fight. 'dont worry your save, also you really took after him. He was also this wild when he first change' say the person in front of her while preparing somethink to eat

"who are you again?" ask Flame while the other person preparing meal smile
'my name is Jin Takayama and he's Chihiro, my son' say Jin. 'eat up while its hot' say Chihiro handing Flame a bow of soup

"t thanks" say Flame and start eating while the fater/son duo eat too. 'you dont know who you are right?' "no, not a single think". Chihiro them pull out his phone with a video of a green creature 'thats you. Your a amazon' say Jin

Flame sudenly get a headache and images start floving right infront of her eyes 
"I i am a monster" say Flame crying and Chihiro hug her comforting her

'its a curse that we have to bear everyday. Some of us go wild and some protect and we choose protect'

"you say that i took after someone. who? 'amazon Omega his name being Haruka Mizusawa'
"my adoptive family give me the exact same name, coud it be ..... that im related to him?"
'its posible, we didnt see him in a while' say Jin while handing Flame a bag.
Flame open it and inside was a  weird lookin belts 

 Flame open it and inside was a  weird lookin belts 

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"w what is this?" 'somethink that now belong to you, we both have one' say Chihiro and Flame now understand that her journey to discover who she is now beggin 

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"w what is this?" 'somethink that now belong to you, we both have one' say Chihiro and Flame now understand that her journey to discover who she is now beggin 

Story of forgoten kamen ridersحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن