🕰️ • Chapter 23 • 🕰️

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¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

🕰️• 3rd POV • 🕰️

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

🕰️• 3rd POV • 🕰️

Couple of days passed and Jennie was getting nauseous by the days noticing how whenever she's around Taehyung and Jungkook she would get nauseous. At first she thought that maybe it was the hooded man being nearby but no.
Something was strange, yet not out of the normal between Taehyung and Jungkook. They both acted how they did in Jennie's last life, Innocent.

If it actually were that one of them was the cause of Jennie feeling nauseous then how could that even be possible? They were both supposed to die a year ago in the Harvard like university back in South Korea. But Jungkook never attended that university since Somi took that full ride scholarship from him that changed his future path that is unpredictable to Jennie.

Taehyung's future was also changed since he was supposed to attend the university back in South Korea too but changed it to Harvard. Saying that he did it because Jungkook was attending this school instead.
However could that be an excuse?
Is Taehyung lying or telling the truth?
Jungkook could easily attend Harvard yet why did he attend the university in South Korea in his last life?

Even if it was them they died a year ago in a brake failure causing both their deaths that their bodies were burned up and unrecognizable.
However, Taehyung's body was recognized since he wasn't too burned up like Jungkook who was recognized by a bracelet that Jennie gave him since Jungkook liked the bracelet she wore.

Since a couple of days had passed only 7 days were left to their supposed death in this 2nd life.
Jennie was unsure of trying to save their lives since she felt that one of them could just somehow be the hooded man.
Though she could be wrong if it wasn't them but actually the hooded man watching her from afar that it's confusing Jennie to think it's Taehyung and his boyfriend Jungkook.

Jennie had been wanting to put it to the test if one of them were making her nauseous but couldn't since she'd been busy with exams and Lisa who prevents her from spending time with a Taehyung and Jungkook who she dislikes.
Lisa doesn't like Jennie being around others that she just dislikes...

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