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Everyone was waiting for the teacher to explain what was in the closet. Professor Lupin had brought in an old closet with chains around it and all the students we're excited to see what was inside. "Who can tell me what a boggart is?" Lupin asked and Dazai panicked, having read nearly the whole library Dazai knew exactly what a boggart is and they do not sound fun. Dazai was too busy thinking to realise that his hand had shot up into the air and only realised when he heard lupin say "yes, Dazai?" "Boggarts are a creature that take the form of the person infront of them's greatest fear and nobody knows what they look like when no one can see them" he said quickly, ignoring the stares he received "correct! Now everybody line up" Lupin said and the students quickly got into a line, Dazai was third in line. 

Neville was first and as the chains flew off Dazai wondered what his fear would be, and out walked... Snape!? Dazai forgot his worries for a moment and burst out laughing at his caretaker being Neville's worst fear and his laughing only intensified when Neville cast ridikkulus and it got a skirt and a strange hat. Next was Ron and Dazai chuckled at his fear of spiders quietly before remembering he was next.

 He was dreading what it would become as he walked forward and watched in horror as the boggart morphed into him. A him wearing a frilly dress with no bandages on and scars on display. His breath quickened and he started shaking, he could hear it revealing his secrets "Dazai Osamu or should i say, Shuuji Tsushima was in the port mafia until just a few months ago, he was known as the demon prodigy. A genius with an IQ of over 200. He's killed many, burnt down buildings with people inside, extorted people, tortured many and commited various other crimes. He's attempted suicide countless times but just can't manage to die-" It said "stop" he said cutting it off, he reached for his knife and tried to slash the boggart but it dodged. He stood up and chased it, slashing at it but he couldn't manage to hit it "ridikulus!" Lupin cast and its dress changed into a cloak and bandages found thier way around its arms, it smiled widely. The same smile dazai always pasted onto his face. Dazai collapsed onto the floor and sat there. He didn't cry. He'd always been taught not to cry. That it was a waste of time. so instead he sat there, shaking, wishing he could just die already. He could hear lupin yelling to get out and was faintly aware of everyone leaving the room. He felt someone hug him and heard them reassuring him, he got slightly more aware of his surroundings and realised it was Blaise. He saw Snape burst through the door and crouch down beside him, by now Blaize had been calming him down for a bit so he was relatively aware of what was happening "are you okay?" Snape asked and he nodded. They walked to snapes office.

They arrived at snapes office and Snape got out three mugs and a tea kettle, he started boiling the water. "What happened?" Snape asked as he handed dazai his snakeskin mug. It warmed his cold hands. "It was me" he said and Snape looked confused "the boggart" he continued, monotone "With no bandages on. It told the class everything. The mafia, all my failed suicide attempts, all the crimes I've committed. It exposed me as the demon prodigy, the genius mafioso feared by many." He finished and Snape looked worried.

"I'm sorry, i shouldn't have let that happen to you" snape said "if you ever feel uncomfortable with a class you don't have to participate" 'how do you comfort people?!?' he thought not having the faintest idea how to comfort Dazai. He recalled a book he read on comforting children when he adopted Dazai 'attempt to lessen the problem' it had said "unfortunately there is nothing i can do about the people who were in that class. I will announce at dinner that anyone caught spreading rumours will get a detention, that should help to quell the rumours at least." He said, hoping it would calm Dazai. It seemed to help a little as Dazai became slightly less tense. He dismissed Dazai and told Blaise to keep an eye on him for the next few days and take away any sharp objects.

(AN i don't know how your still reading this piece of shit)

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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