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its already night...
its good I already watered my plants outside this morning..

though I don't know how long they'll last..
maybe we'll be able to leave the house after a few days.. (then I can tend to my flowers)

I'm happy most of my flowers are potted inside, that means I can tend to them all day-
oh right be cause of the 'virus', sunny might not be able to leave me (again...) so I wont be alone!

I hope I wont be a bother to him...

he probably doesn't wanna be here longer than he has to..
its selfish of me to kinda wish that this 'virus' will never end so he can never leave...

I know it is.

and as for what I mean as 'virus' I just feel like its to- weird to be real..?

But better safe than sorry

sunnys already asleep on the couch, but I am still having trouble sleeping...
I wish I didn't have sleeping problms unlike sunny who sleeps with no issue
iv'e always been a bad sleeper eh..? sigh..


basil sat up from his bed, walking out of his room into the kitchen

he filled up a glass kettle with water, putting it ond its stand Wich held a un-litten tea light.
he took a match and lit-it, as he placed a peppermint tea bag in the kettle as the water warmed up

he let out a soft sigh


I.. I found it strange kinda...
sunny never used to be a hard sleeper

yes- the kitchen lights were still off and the only thing on was the tea light and lamp but..
sunny used to wake up to even the slightest shuffle or creak..

maybe Im overthinking it, yes basil..
your just overthinking it! sunny just changed a little like everyone's does..

wait am I talking to myself.?

am I saying it out-loud!
wait no..
I'm thinking, and hearing my voice in my head..


how does that even work..
how can I know my voice so perfectly..

wait what..

I looked over and the tea was already warm..
I poured myself a cup, adding some honey

and took a sip
it tasted nice..

the peppermint was strong maybe I let the tea-bag soak for too long..
but the honey calmed the flavor so it was still pretty good..

am I just stalling?

am I to afraid this is real, is that why I can't sleep?
because I'm just waiting to wake up..?

do I even know whats happening..?
how do I know this isn't fake..

it probably is, it has to be a dream, sunny forgiving me, Polly staying with me, grandma dying, and this 'virus'

it- it has to be F A K E

its not is it..?

should I be happy or sad..
I mean.. at least sunny forgives me right..? R I G H T ?

he probably is still holding a grudge against me..

and he probably hates me..

what's with all these ,probably's,? huh..?

maybe its just a excuse for things I don't know the answer of...

if I did know.. would I less useless..?


Not so safe? [omori infection au]Where stories live. Discover now