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(2:00 am, and bird is still sleeping, and a spirit with an oni mask comes on to his bed)

???: at last, a perfect victim!!!! i'd take him to the dungeon with my all-new victims.

(??? takes bird away)

???: join us, and return to the underworld tonight!!!!


bird: (wakes up) huh... huh??? where am i!?

(people with oni masks are poking bird)

bird: YAAAAAAA!!!! STOP!!! OW!!!

???: you'll pay for that!!!

bird: LET ME GO!!!! THIS HURTS!!!!!




multi: (yawns and wakes up) huh? where is bird, ekusu?

ekusu: (finds bird) i don't know, multi. maybe we should get in the car to find out.

multi: that's a good idea, ekusu. let's get in the car to find out!!!

(ekusu and multi got in the car)

ekusu: (driving the car) multi, where are we going, multi?

multi: don't kno- (screaming) AAAAAAAAAGH!!!

(hands are banging the car)

ekusu and multi: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!

(when the car gets stuck)

multi: i think our car got stuck!!!

ekusu: our car was stuck... IN A TREE!!!!

multi: this is a hard way to get out of here.

(ekusu and multi got out)

cho: toguro, where are we?

toguro: were just bushwalk- hey, ekusu.

ekusu: how did you know we were here?

cho: we were bushwalking.

multi: okay, and why are we bushwalking?

cho: to explore... the dark secrets of the forest!!! legend says it's haunted by an evil oni masked spirit that lived there. he creates doppelgangers evereywhere... even a doppelganger of you!!!

ekusu: so what? should we split up?

cho: yes!!! i'll go with multi and you go with toguro!!!

multi: okay, see you later, ekusu!

ekusu: bye!!!

to be continued

horror!!! horror!!! horror!!!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن