03.Moral Code

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Wamego, Kansas

With a large supreme pizza in my hands I treaded through the partially enclosed corridor to my motel room. I haven't spoken a word since my encounter in the basement, not even at the pizza place, I had just pointed to what I wanted.

I jammed my keys into the lock, twisting it. I locked the door behind me, dropping the pizza box and keys onto the table, staring off into space. I need a drink.

I tilted my head noticing my bottle of whiskey was no longer on the table where I had left it this morning. "You have absolutely horrible taste in whiskey," A voice spoke from behind me. I instantly recognized it.

I drew my gun, twisting around. "You," I snarled, pointing the barrel of the pistol at the man from earlier who stood beside the bed. Contemplating pulling the trigger just to satisfy the irritation burning in my chest.

"You know, I stayed back watching..." He began, opening the bottle. "And you didn't leave for a good twenty minutes after I got out. You want to explain to me how you got out unscathed?"

"Taped the box, that you broke, back together," I hissed, tightening my finger around the trigger.

He mockingly shook his head at me taking a step closer, "You can't re-tape sigils. Once they've been broken like that, you have to re-etch them." He brought the bottle to his lips, frowning as he swallowed, making a disgusted face.

I lowered my gun, snatching the bottle out of his hand. "Get out," I hissed.

"I think you are hiding something... Something intriguing." He cocked his head at me, his eyes studying me.

I took a swig from the bottle, indulging in the burn that trickled down my throat.

"Let me try your blood," he said out of the blue, causing me to cough as I raise my pistol again, aimed at his chest. I tilted my head at him, ensuring I heard him correctly.

"Your fangs come near me, I will empty my mag into your chest," I bellowed, giving him a threatening look.

"I have a hypothesis I would like to test," he returned with a bored expression.

"Yeah me too. I hypothesize that you will get the hell out of my motel room or I will start pulling this trigger." I waved the end of my gun at him.

"You aren't the least bit curious?" he pried, furrowing his dark brows at me.

"Nope," I retorted with a blank expression.

"You aren't like other hunters." He slightly shook his head, mentally mulling over his thoughts. "There has to be something else keeping you alive."

"What the hell does that mean?" I scowled at the man, tightening my grip on the pistol.

"I mean if a vampire, especially a born vampire like myself, broke into any other hunter's room, they would have pulled that trigger the second they saw me. You haven't." He narrowed his eyes on me as if he were trying to piece me together.

"Yeah because your only crime so far is being a cowardly dickhead," I sighed. "And a creep," I added, raising my eyebrows.

"You have a code?" he inquired, an intrigued look spreading across his face.

"A code?" I shook my head at him, feeling my frustration grow. I just want to eat my damn pizza in peace.

"Like a moral code. You don't kill unless you deem they've committed a crime worthy of death," he answered.

"Okay Mister Philosophical, leave, I just want to eat my pizza." I brought the bottle to my lips, feeling a headache forming.

"So why haven't you pulled the trigger?" He asked again, taking another step, baiting me.

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