"Racing can be kind of dangerous though."

"Every sport can be. I'd say it is one of the more dangerous sports, but I've never been in any bad crashes. You're not worried about that right?" She glanced over at me trying to read my facial expression.

"Should I be?"

"Like she said all sports have risks." Alexia told me before I began freaking out over her question."

"Yeah exactly."

"Women's football has plenty of injuries and some scares as well." Aitana made a funny face as she mentioned the fact.

"Yeah, head injuries can be super scary in football or even some of the collisions. I think it would be easier for you to watch my races than for me to sit through watching you play. Be honest how often do you get hurt?"

"A LOT." Mapi pipped up before I could say anything. I am on the smaller side so I was constantly getting bodied or launched across the field by opposing players who are much bigger.


"I would love for you to come to one of my race day weekends, but we can talk about that later. Tell me about your friends. I assume they are all teammates." She didn't want to talk about herself anymore that's so cute.

"Mapi and Ingrid are dating actually. Alexia is like my mom on the team. And Aitana is the sister I never had. We grew up playing together. She's my bestfriend."

"Oh cool..." Amelia glanced over at Aitana before looking over at Ingrid. She seemed to be most calm looking towards Mapi and Ingrid rather than Aitana or Alexia.

"Do you have a game soon?"

"Yeah in like 3 days."

"Why didn't you tell me? I'll wait to go back and come see you play." SHIT.


"Or maybe not...what does your other girlfriend go to the games?" Amelia teased me, but I was currently freaking out over her coming to watch.

"Ona, speak." Alexia laughed nervously as I froze. "Wait. Holy shit, do you have another girlfriend?"


"Okay." Amelia giggled lightly grabbing my hand and resting her chin on her other one.

"So what's going on then?"

"I'm just scared for you to come to a game...I'm sorry. Of course you're invited. Let me know and I'll get you a ticket."

"Its okay I can just watch online or something if it'll make you nervous, but babe you're fine. Even if you did mess up I don't know enough about football to notice." She squeezed my hand and for a second while we looked at each other I had forgot that the rest of the girls were there.

"You two are cute."

"MAPI!" Ingrid slapped her shoulder as we quickly turned away from each other.

"Cuties." Alexia smiled at us and we all continued to talk. I think they all like her. I'm so happy. It may have taken her a second, but Ingrid and Mapi were able to easily carry the conversation with Amelia. Alexia continued to listen with a smile on her face.

Aitana on the other hand was now silent and acting kind of odd.


"Hey so I did want to talk to you about something..." Amelia and I were laying alone in her hotel room couch. I remembered earlier she mentioned needing to talk.

"Okay and what is that thing?"

"Umm us."


"As you know I am a professional racer. That being said this is a sport controlled by very rich and powerful people who have a set standard and mindset. Umm some of these places take place in not so modern friendly customs...."

"Okay, so what are you saying?"

"I know I said I wanted to keep us a secret until I told my dad, but I need us to stay under wraps for longer...It wouldn't be safe for me to race some very big events if it got out that I'm dating a girl." She looked away from me as a tear ran down her cheek.

"Hey, hey-you are all I care about. If we are happy then only we need to know. Okay my love? We can keep this between us."

"You're not mad?"

"I'm not going to make you give up your career. I know how much racing means to you and I want you safe."

"You're the best." She smiled before glancing down at my lips and gently pressing ours together.


Sorry I neglect this story. I've been reading more than writing and just very busy.

P.S. Ona and Lucy are so fucking cute.

Chono on tiktok always has the best videos of them and the ones from today omg😭

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