Silver Lining

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Willy’s pov

I stared down at my mom’s chocolate bar before my attention was brought back to Noodle when she said “I’m sorry, Willy.”

“That’s why I’m here, Noodle, so I can feel the same way I did back then, eating chocolate with her.” I said softly.

“What do you mean?”

“My Mom once promised that when I share chocolate with the world she’d be right there beside me. And I know it sounds crazy, but I always hoped she’d somehow keep that promise. She might even tell me her secret.” I explained. She smiled at me sympathetically. Ping! The chocolate is ready. “Here, try one.” I handed her one while I took the other.

Noodle took a tentative bite and watched excitedly for her reaction hoping she'd like it. She nibbled it before she stopped and set it down. “I wish you hadn't done that.”

I deflated a bit, “Why not? Don’t you like it?”

“No, I like it. It's just…”

“What?” I gently pressed.

“Now each day I don't have chocolate will be a little harder.” Noodle looked down.

I got an idea, “Then how would you like to have all the chocolate you can eat every day for the rest of your life?”

“A lifetime supply?”

“A lifetime supply.” I confirmed.

Noodle became suspicious of me and eyed me carefully, “What would I have to do?”

“Not much. Just get me out of here.” I shrugged.
“Are you crazy?!” she exclaimed while she looked at me like I’ve grown two heads.

“Shh! It's easy! I'll get someone to cover my shift and you can smuggle me out in your laundry cart -- just for a few hours, mind. Nobody would even know I was gone.”

“What's the point of that?”

“To sell chocolate, of course! We'll split the profits and pay off Mrs Scrubitt in no time!”

“It's a nice idea, Willy…”

I cut her off, “It's a great idea, Noodle.”

“But it'll never work!” she finished.

“Course it will! Eat your chocolate.” I dismissed her pessimism.

She finished the rest of her chocolate before saying, “You don't understand. Mrs Scrubitt's like a hawk. She keeps her beady eye on everything that comes in and out of the Wash House. Except... huh.”

“What is it?” I asked hopefully.

“No, it's nothing.” Noodle dismissed.

“Oh, okay.” I said, disappointed.


“A double-huh! That's not nothing. That's the Silver Lining. It's given you an idea.” I said excitedly.

“Ok. So the one time she dropped her guard was when this aristocrat came into the laundry. He was only asking for directions but she was all over him like a rash. It was disgusting.” she grimaced.

“That's it, Noodle! All we have to do is find an aristocrat and slip out while she's distracted.” I ate my silver lining chocolate and thought hard.

“Yeah, but where are we going to find an aristocrat?”
I began to have an idea of my own, “Huh.”



“A double-huh!”

“Do you have pencil and paper?”


“Because I've got an idea…” A few hours later I drew a picture of Bleacher as an aristocrat after Noodle left to go to bed. Doesn’t look half bad if I do say so myself. I see the shadow of someone walking down the hallway. My curiosity got the better of me so I opened the door and saw Lottie. Her hair was messy, her clothes were dissolved, and there were bags under her eyes. It was so different from how tidy and neat she was in the washroom. She was absolutely exhausted and looked terrible. “Hi, Lottie!” I must have surprised her because she jumped ten feet in the air before looking at me . “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Lottie waved the apology off letting me know that it was fine. “What were you doing? I thought they locked you in your room.” I asked curious, I know that Piper said she didn’t talk much but I heard her tell me hi earlier so I knew she could talk.

She tensed and looked around nervously as if she was expecting something terrifying to show up. Lottie looked like wanted to speak but didn’t. “What’s wrong?” I asked concerned. Before she could speak Bleacher came and roughly grabbed her arm.

Lottie’s pov

“What did Mrs. Scrubbit tell you about talk’n?” Bleacher growled at me. I was terrified, he’s going to hurt me again. I didn’t even talk this time! The only reason hi earlier was because I thought that no one could hear. No one reacted so I thought I was safe but I guess not. He dragged me away squeezing my arm so tight I could feel a bruise developing. I was tripping over my own feet struggling to keep up with his pace.

“Hey! Let go of her!” Willy shouted. Stay out of it, please stay out of it. I don’t want Bleacher to hurt him too. He’s so innocent and didn’t do anything wrong. Please, Bleacher don’t hurt him. Bleacher swung the door to my room open and threw me inside causing me to land hard on my hip and my glasses to fall off. That’s going to hurt in the morning.“Lottie!” The door was slammed shut, I tried to lift myself up to stand but I felt a sharp pain course through my hip. Nope, bad idea. I crawled trying to feel around for my glasses.

Willy’s pov

Bleacher turned to me, grabbed my wrist tightly and brought me to my room. “If you know what’s good for you and Lottie you’ll stay out of it.” He slammed the door in my face leaving me alone. I heard the door lock so I couldn’t get out.

“Hey! Let me out of here! I just want to see if she’s okay!” I pounded my fist against the door trying to break it down but my attempts were in vain. Eventually I gave up and sat down on the chair near the desk in frustration. I decided to make more of the silver lining chocolate to help me figure out what to do. I poured in the silver lining, thunder clouds, and liquid sunshine. I stirred them together. When it was done I took a bite of my chocolate and had an idea. I was going to build a machine to help Lottie and the others with their work to make their lives easier. I can’t ask for anyone else to pick up my shift, not after what I saw happened to Lottie. Their life is hard enough, they don’t need my work on top of it. I decided that when I sell my chocolate I’m going to help pay off all their debts. Not just Noodle and myself, I can’t let anyone stay here any longer. Filled with determination I thought ‘Thank God for silver lining.’

We Can Create a World of Our Own: A Lottie Bell and Willy Wonka story Where stories live. Discover now