16 3 2

Isadora Vincenza Emilia Salvatore

I woke up 10 minutes ago and I am now standing in front of my wardrobe, deciding what to wear.

I think today it's going to be a yellow sun dress that hugs my curves perfectly.

I put on my shoes, grabbed my bag and went straight to the car

I already saw Adam standing there , patiently waiting for me and opened the door when he saw me walking to the car .

We drove in pure silence because Adam knows that I do not really like it to speak when it's 7 in the morning.

He parked the car outside school and I hurried out the door

We said our byes and I made my way to the entrance

I opened the door and immediately felt how a person from behind held the door

I slightly turned around trying to see who was holding the door  to thank them and immediately turned my head away when I saw that it was Mr.Pérez

I didn't want to turn around again because that would be awkward and I wouldn't know what to say

I went straight to my locker and pulled out my math book because my first class was math

While I was pulling my book out , I felt a persons hand on my shoulder

I jumped back lightly still in shock from before but immediately relaxed when I saw that it was just Noah

"I told you not to do that" I scolded at him
"Geez sorry" he said while putting his hands up in defence
I only rolled my eyes in response.

"What you doing here?" I asked him while putting my book inside my bag
"Uh we have the same class now?" He said in a confused tone

"Oh yeah right" I said back
"You good?" He asked me in a slightly concerned tone
"Yeah I'm good , why wouldn't I be?" I said back
"Nah just checking" He retorted back

We both made our way to class

We went inside and sat on our table where we always sit

In the middle of the math class , I heard the girls behind me talk about the new teacher

"He is so hot"
"Did you see his arms"
"He definitely looks like he trains"
"I heard that he is single"

He is single?
I thought that man already had a woman at home

Turns out he is alone
That makes everything a lot more interesting

"Hey, you there?" I heard a voice from besides me
I turned my head to the left and saw Noah looking at me with a questioning look
"I'm trying to get your attention for the past seconds, what were you thinking so deep about?" He asked
"Oh nothing" I lied and he looked at me  like he didn't believe a word I just said
I know that he knows that I'm lying but he also knows to drop a theme when I do not want to talk about it.

After a few minutes the bell rang and we made our way to the cafeteria

We saw that Olivia was already sitting there and walked over to her

"Hey guys" Olivia said while eating an green apple
"Hey " Noah and I said in sync

We sat down at our table and ate our food while chatting a bit

My next class was with Mr.Pérez

"jump off a bridge " I heard Olivia's voice say
Noah faked a gasp and held his hand to his heart with a fake hurt expression "why would you say that Vivi" and Olivia just rolled her eyes at his comment

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