
Start from the beginning

I look at Lily with questioning eyes. She answers with a nod of approval. "I'll have the meat." I say.

"I'd like the pasta, but could you do it without any garlic please? I'm allergic" Lily questions as she nervously plays with her fingers.

The waitress doesn't answer her question, but I don't think anything of it. "Great, we'll be right out with that for you" She leans over, grabbing our menus before leaving.

Lily moves her eyes towards me, staying silent for a few seconds before taking a deep breath and starting to rant.
About what? I'm not so sure.

All I know is that it takes twenty minutes for the food to arrive, and I've been listening to her the entire time.
When she gets her food her words die down a little, her energy level lowering.

We finish fairly quick, and Lily's tiredness after her meal is a clear sign that it's time to go home. I lift my hand, gesturing for the bill which arrives just a moment later.

Lily rubs her hand against her forehead, her expression almost nauseous out of tiredness. She doesn't usually get this tired.

"You okay?" I ask her, writing down my signature along with placing my card on the bill before handing it back to the waitress.

It takes her a moment to answer me, "Yeah.. yeah I'm fine."

I look at her skeptically, only looking away from her when I'm handed back my card.

"Are you sure?" My attention returns to her.

She grabs her bag, making a move to stand up when I do. "Yes. Thank y-.." She pauses as she stands up, and I know for sure that something's not right when she needs to catch herself against the chair for stability.

She starts again. "Thank you for tonight-" Again, she cuts herself off, this time by her own wave of coughing. She latches on to her chest with one hand, the other one gripping on firmly to the chair. Her coughs are hostile, sounding as if all air just left her body, and is refusing to come back.

My body moves on its own when I see hers going down. She falls into me, still not being able to catch her breath until her lungs slowly starts to give in and she melts into me as her body becomes limp.



I pace around the room. I never pace. But the sound of all the commotion going on in the room In front of me makes it pretty fucking hard not too.

After she fainted in my arms, I decided on bringing her to the base instead of driving to a hospital. The base is closer and I know that the people here are good at what they do.

Which is why they locked me out of the room and purposely left two people to babysit me so that I wouldn't break the fucking door, again.

"Have you ever seen him having any other emotion than anger?" Mateo whispers, pretty fucking loudly.

Brendan looks uncomfortable, "I know right? I'm kinda scared. What if he like- explodes?"
What the fuck?

"Maybe he's sick?" Mateo proposes.

"Shit maybe." Brendan gasps.

"What if-"

I cut him off. "Can you guys shut the fuck up?"

Almost a minute goes by where we stay still, just staring at each other.

When I look away from them, Mateo breaks the silence by muttering, "Well at least he hasn't lost the anger"

"Whaaat?" Mateo says as I snap my head back to them as if he's trying to make it look like he didn't say anything in the first place.

Why the fuck would they put me in a room with them to calm me down?

Suddenly the room goes quiet, and I swear to god my heart almost does too.

It feels like hours pass by before the door opens, and the private doctor we have steps out.

I try to read him, searching for any hint that might reveal whether I'm about to receive the worst news of my life or not. But I can't, for some reason I can't.

"She's okay."

My hands rise into my hair in relief as I feel air coming back into my lungs. "Jesus fuck"

I turn back to him, going serious. "What the hell happened to her"

"Allergic reaction." He says.

The waitress, why the fuck didn't I remind her? She wasn't paying a single bit of attention to Lily.

I clench my jaw, making a mental note to have her fired and forced into bankruptcy.

Then have a little talk with the owner about the kind of fucking people he hires.

I move past the doctor, heading straight into the room to see her. She's laying peacefully under the covers, you wouldn't even be able to tell that something was wrong if it wasn't for the nasal breathing tube attached to her, and the several IVs hanging above her.
I move closer to her, growing annoyed when I see her still in her outside clothes, and her messy makeup not wiped off.

I take out some wipes, cleaning her face before changing her into some spare clothes we have.

"When is she going to wake up." I ask the doctor as he walks back into the room.

"Shouldn't be too long, but it could be anywhere from an hour to a day. The recovery time should be pretty quick after that, she'll need a couple days rest before returning back to normal." He explains. "And absolutely no more contact with garlic, after this she'll be more prone to allergic reactions than ever. Her meals need to be prepared separately from anything involving garlic, even touching it for too long could cause a reaction."

I nod before turning back to Lily, sitting down in the chair in-front of her. I lean forward, raising my hand to gently brush aside a few golden strands from her face with a sigh.

"What are you doing to me, Tesoro?"



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