chapter 2: forming bonds

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y/n pov

we'd been at true cross for a few days now, rin encountered a girl named shiemi moriarma and convinced her to attend cram school, we were all sat in class with yukio

yukio: alright, I've finished grading your test papers, please come and collect them, shiemi

shiemi walked up and grabbed her paper

shiemi: ahh!!

yukio: who is mr sauncho?

shiemi: you put it on burns...

yukio: oh, you mean aloe vera, you can give plants your own names, but please remember to put the correct names next time

shiemi: okay...

she walked back with a defeated look

rin: aha!

yukio: okumura

rin walked up to yukio and shrieked in shock

yukio: you're giving me an ulcer..

rin: a 2?!

rin started walking back defeated

yukio: suguro

bon walked up smug

bon: i couldn't get a 2 even if i tried

y/n looked at bon annoyed by his attitude

yukio: well done suguro, you did make a mistake on aloe but its a common mistake

suguro showed off his results with a smug smirk

yukio: y/n

y/n stood up and walked over to yukio

yukio: well done, you seem to have great knowledge in anti demon pharmaceuticals

he handed y/n his test paper revealing a perfect score

y/n: thank you sir

y/n pov

i turned around and smirked at bon

y/n: well well well, guess you could've done better

i headed back to my desk and sat down before bon slammed his hand down on it

y/n: get off my desk

bon: you tryna make me look bad! huh?!

y/n: get off... my desk....

i looked up at him, my eyes slightly glowing through my sunglasses, bon took a step back in confusion as his eyes went wide, i smirked at him and before he could get angry yukio stepped in

yukio: thats enough

y/n: hey i'm not tryna fight... its billy big bollocks here

bon: what did you call me!?

he grabbed my shirt and lifted me off my chair, i grabbed his hand before twisting it and putting him in an arm lock

y/n: don't start a fight you can't finish

i pushed him away before i glared down at him, i saw his neck and could hear his heartbeat speeding it, i could see his blood rushing through his body, i held back the urge to feed as my hand began to shake, everyone nearby saw this before i rushed out the room, heading towards Mephisto's office, i burst through the door

y/n: Mephisto, i need....

Mephisto: whats wrong?

he rushed toward me and placed a hand on my shoulder

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07 ⏰

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