Unexpected 1: Kidnapped

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Justin's P.O.V:

"Any last words, sucker," I spat out at the girl who was seated on the wooden chair her hands and legs all tied up to it. Bawling her eyes out, her body trembling she pleaded shaking her head, trying to change my mind.

"Pl-please don't kill me," she stuttered, hiccuping.

I had kidnapped her a few weeks ago as my next toy. Unfortunately, she didn't please me by meeting my needs. She's just another piece of shit that deserves to die. I chuckled at her helpless whines, pointing my gun towards her, aiming straight at her forehead.

She jumped up and down trying to escape with her useless acts.

"Goodbye, slut," smirking I pulled the trigger ending her ear piercing cries.

The gun vibrated in my hands, due to the impact of the noise it had created. I looked over at the lifeless body, smiling in triumph.

A whole was plastered in the middle head, the bullet pushing through her skull, dug deep within her body. Her face was pale and red blood oozed down her face, dripping onto her torn clothing and skinny figure. Her head hung down, her dead body tied to the chair, securely. I put the gun away in the waist band of my boxers, the cold metal hitting my warm skin.

Walking around in a circle around the girl's body I started to laugh, happy with myself. After a few minutes had passed I started to clean up the mess, throwing the dead girl's body carelessly in a trash can wrapped in a garbage bag and cleaning the blood off the floors of my basement. Soon enough everything was just how I wanted it to be.

Leaving the basement, I jogged up the stairs, entering my bedroom. Grabbing a towel I walked into my bathroom turning the shower on and stripping off my clothes. The warm water hit my back, relaxing my tense muscles. I grabbed my shampoo., squirting some in the palm of my hand and washing my hair.

Letting the soap sink into my hair, I started washing my body, cleaning myself up. Once I got out the shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist and dried my hair off with another one, leaving it damp. Running my fingers through my wet locks, I tried taming it down. I brushed my teeth, leaving the bathroom and walking to my closet.

Rummaging through my clothes, deciding on a pair of black jeans, a white v-neck and a dark blue leather jacket. Changing into them I slipped on my black Supras and looked in the mirror. Seeing my reflection I smirked.

I look fucking hot.

Leaving my bedroom, I ran down the stairs, grabbing my keys and wallet, getting out of my house. I walked over to my black Audi R8, unlocking the car and hopping in the driver's seat. Shoving the key in, bringing the car to life, hearing the engine roar.

Leaving the garage I began driving down the clear roads. Parking in front of a school I got out of my car. Leaning against the hood of the car, crossing my arms across my chest, I watched as a mob of students started walking out of the school doors.

I watched them, carefully. Many where talking among groups and walking down the streets to get to their homes. My eyes looked around trying to find just the perfect one. Looking over a group of girls and deciding against it seeing they'd be a pain in the arse.

Suddenly my eyes got caught on this one boy. He was talking to a taller one with blonde hair and blue eyes. Watching him closely, I took in his features. The boy had honey brown hair styled up in a small quiff. Skin smooth and creamy. His eyes were pools of ice blue, with pink full lips. My lips curving in a smirk I waited for just the right time.

I want him.

And if Justin Bieber wants something he sure as hell will get it.

This pretty boy will be next on my list.

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