the introduction...

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Greetings dear readers, i see, you've come to this story, because of its title, and description, dont you? Ehehe, well, this story is about something, you, YES you, readers have NOT seen, correct! Something New, a WONDERFUL and SPECTACULAR IDEA, my dear readers, but before i introduce you to my VERY FIRST story, i'll introduce you, your humble host, Hank! Correct, Hank!
Oh oh, some...of you may already know me, although...forget that. But anyways, dear readers, no more chit-chat, i'll say whats this WHOLE story is about, this story is a story that FINALLY sees the other side, thats right, the other side, the skibidi toilets, people have always looked at the alliance in their stories, so i, Hank, present you...


Thats right folks, skibidi toilet: wonderful idea, there i, will show, what i think that would be, the POV, the side of the story, focused on the toilets, although dear readers, i may have innacuracies, as i im not the BEST writter you could get, so if i did any grammer, or speling misstake, correct me, also, as i would like to mention, this story, will also have a FEW other universes, besides skibidi toilet, we will have, skibidi multiverse, and aswell skibidi wars, a couple more may come, thought, now...i hank, peace out!

The Spectacular Idea(a skibidi toilet fanfic...a unusual one)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя