Beth comes over "Leah put your hands out for me please?" "What why?" "You will see." I put my hands out and Beth slaps the back of my hand "ow what was that for?" "That's from Chris" I burst out laughing "shut up no way she text you" Beth shows me her phone.

Me - Seriously you got Beth to slap my hand? Xxx
Chris - Like you said I couldn't do it. Love you so very much my love 😘😘 xxx
Me - You are unbelievable! I will speak to you later baby love you xxx
Chris - Love you more xxx

As I'm heading out to the pitch so is Sarina "boss I was wondering if I can ask you a question?" "Of course Leah what's up" "I've been trying to get my hands on the skillzy mascot for my son but I have been unable to do you know if we are getting any for around camp and if we are could I possibly pinch one please?" "Leave it with me and I will get one ordered for you, would you like it brought here or straight to your home?" "Oh Ermm good question, here please and I can send it with a little letter" "ok I will get that sorted for you" "thank you so much."

We only do another hour on the pitch then head into the gym. We have been in there for a couple of hours when my phone starts ringing "who is that?" "Xander off his iPad" "are you going to answer it?" "I will speak to the boss first." I ask Sarina if I can answer it and she said yes because we are hitting the ice bath now anyways so I phone him back "hi Bubs is everything alright?" "Mama wook I got a swimming pool and Ganda and gampa are making a goal" "baby who you talking to?" "Mama" "you phoned mama?" "Yeah" Chris pops her head on the screen with a disapproval look "mhmmm" "do you like them Xander" "yes mama but where from?" "I got you them hold on one second, G I swear to god hit me with that thing again I'm going to kill you" "don't stop G kick her arse" "wanguage mummy" "yeah language mummy, what you been doing this afternoon then?" "Pwaying with aunty awex" "aunty Alex? What's aunty Alex doing there?" "Pwaying wif me" "that's very nice of her" "aunty kimmy you here" "aunty Kim is there what is going on? Baby can you put mummy on for me please?" He passes the iPad to Chris "hey my love what's up?" "What's everyone doing there?" "Hold on let me go inside." Chris goes into the kitchen "Xander was struggling like a lot so everyone came over to help distract him until he is used to you being away" "baby I'm so sorry" "hey you have nothing to be sorry for he is perfectly fine now. Tbh he rang everyone saying he was sad they were all here in a flash" "aww bless them" "mummy we go in the pool now?" "I'm coming baby" "I will let yous go and will phone yous later" "ok baby I will speak to you soon I love you" "love you too baby."

We hang up and when I look away from my phone and all the girls are staring at me "what?" "Omg he sounds so cute and adorable and we can't wait to meet him" "calm down Jill yous will have to get through Chris first talk about protective" "if Beth can do it so can we" we all laugh and continue in the ice bath.

~Chris' POV~
After Leah hangs up I go back into the garden "didn't take him long to get into the pool then" "not at all" "thanks for coming over Alex honestly he is been distraught since Leah left" "if only you rang me sooner Chris I could of helped" "thanks it means a lot, you having fun in there Kim?" "Oh yeah loads thanks Chris I may need to borrow some clothes" I laugh "you could have said no you know" "say no to my nephew no chance." Mum comes over with Amanda "he's a lucky boy you know that baby girl" "with friends like these and family like yous no one could ever argue with that." I watch Xander play with the biggest smile on my face "mummy hungry" "I'm not hungry" "no mummy I hungry" "ahhhh right ok and what would you like to eat?" "Burger King" "where the hell did that come from?" "I hungry" "for a Burger King?" "Yeah" "ok then anyone else hungry?" I order food for everyone and as promised I send Leah videos of Xander then when food comes I take a big picture of us with our burgers

Leah - That's mean why would you send me that? Xxx
Beth - Who sends pictures of delicious food when we are on strict diets? X
Me - Who invited you to this conversation Meado? Don't you have someone else to pest? X
Beth - Yes actually Viv is finished training now byeee x

Leah and her soldierحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن