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When mingyu noticed yoongi shaking his head with sad eyes,when he understood what it mean, his eyes widened and heart dropped. 

He hurriedly rushed towards him and started to enquire " what are you saying yoongi hyung!?, it can't be, jisoo hyung is alive right, seokmin will die!!" He couldn't get the fact that yoongi just said jisoo died.

" I know, I'm sorry but we couldn't save hi-" he was cut of by a nurse running towards him, breathing heavily, screaming thier name from inside.

"MR. MIN!...........The patient , the patient is taking small breaths." She said hurriedly running back to the room. 

Both looked at each other confused, before running into the room. This time yoongi didn't stop mingyu, cause he know mingyu is needed to save jisoo. But he couldn't believe how the dead one started breathing again, he remember he clearly checked everything. 

Maybe his desire is too strong to be alive again. 

A desire to meet seokmin again.

All the members just stood there in the hallway of the hospital, some just sat down, they were tensed, tensed what could happen to jisoo, some members taking care of seokmin but he just stood infront of the operation theater with out blinking his eyes, thinking if he blink his eyes, jisoo will disappear again. He noticed how mingyu and yoongi are trying hard to rescue him, he noticed how jisoo chest got up and down everytime they gave him the current. He noticed the pipes attached to his body and nose as he was too weak to breath by himself. He noticed how jisoo took a long deep breath after some moments of treatment . He noticed everything how both of them celebrated inside after giving treatment to jisoo.


"I can't tell this to seokmin hyung, please take care of it" mingyu asked desperately after saving jisoo, his eyes filled with tears that jisoo is alive again. " Don't worry, I'll take care of it" yoongi assured before going towards the members. 

" who's Hong jisoo's family?" Yoongi asked and before he could expect, " ME!, I'm his family" seokmin answered with a restless voice. " I'm his only family hyung, he's lee jisoo" he answered hurriedly.

 While the others looked at him pitying, even wonwoo, yoongi started " ohh yeah seokmin, btw he's good now, you can take him home after a week but he is sleeping now and yeah if you wanna meet him, don't go in bunches, just 2 members are allowed" he said making mingyu confused. When yoongi moved forward he took mingyu with him before saying " i can't tell him too mingyu, but if anyone other than him, I can. Is jisoo close to anyone other than seokmin?" Mingyu began to think, he can't tell this to wonwoo, it will break his heart, jeonghan isn't here so it's better to tell this to seungcheol. " yeah, seungcheol hyung is here, I'll call him" 

When seungcheol came towards them yoongi started to talk "its about jisoo condition cheol-ah" seungcheol nodded before looking at seokmin who's looking at jisoo while holding the door frame with shaking hands. 

" yes, I can bear with it hyung" yoongi nodded before continuing. " he's just okay for now cheol, but his body doesn't have energy for atleast breathing, he have cuts and bruise all over his physic, his mind is just messed up,he was raped brutally and repeatedly. He's traumatized, he might get nightmares too, you guys have to be carefull and have to take care of him as a glass, he's so fragile and sensitive rightnow, make sure to feed him, try to make him happy so that he will get distracted from all these, and give him tablets daily, forget shouting at him, you guys shouldn't even shout near him, try to do things he's happy with, his mind need alot of refreshment. His breathing might get heavier sometimes as his lungs are filled with poisonous gas but yeah don't worry he's safe now. Umm actually don't be as a group with him and he's now more scared of dark actually. So yeah that's all, take care." He advised before going to his room bidding them a goodbye. 

" he must have gone through alot, we are here now, we will take care of them both" cheol said looking at seokmin and jisoo making mingyu nod. They went to their places .

" he's safe now woni, shh it's okay hmm" mingyu said rubbing his crying boyfriend who's has been strong from the start and now he couldn't control it anymore. 

" okay then , let's go eat something guys, we did it, jisoo is safe now, let's go min, mingyu and wonwoo will be here " cheol said. They only got silence but when he asked again " no" the only answer he said without looking at him. " its not like we will leave him here, we will be back again. you can be here after eating" 


cheol gave up with sigh. " then let's go guys, we will get going to eat and have to bring food for both of them." He said and everyone nodded before going out cheol just looked at seokmin one last time before going out.

Where seokmin just stood there, not blinking, only God knows what he's thinking looking at his life, he maybe looked emotionless but his heart could stop at anytime whenever he sees jisoo little finger moving lightly . The love of his life laying infornt of him, on then death bed, breathing softly but he would gasp sometimes for air and later he would get normal.

Seokmin's mind couldn't stop but to think how jisoo was scared and he could see those bruises and cuts on his face. Seokmin noticed how jisoo clutching his hand onto the sheets even though they gave him drug to sleep. His heart aching at that thought where jisoo might screamed his name for help but he isn't there to help his love, to save him, to pull him into his arms, securing him. His mind gave him a flash of memories how he looked at that abandoned almost lifeless, covered with blood and wipes, He couldn't help but started to cry on the ground silently. 


In this period of week, seokmin never left the hospital, sleeping on the couch, holding jisoo hand all day hoping we will wake up, he would just eat six spoons for all day, just take bath for 2 minutes after being a mess all day making all of them worried about him. He cried his heart out, on his knees when he came inside the room for the first time. 

Rightnow he's infront of jisoo, holding his hand again, kissing it multiple times, mumbling sorry and wake up soon. His tears fell on jisoo hand. 

Suddenly in the noon he felt jisoo hand moving and he heard him groaning. He shot his head up, before cupping his face, " Bambi!!?" He called out but jisoo groaned again shutting his eyes tight. " Do-DOCTOR, ....MINGYU!!!?" He screamed, hearing him nurse came in hurriedly and saw, jisoo's condition , she ran back to inform the higher officials. In a minute everyone came inside to check jisoo up but mingyu and yoongi are with jeonghan,  checking him . Seokmin saw jisoo eyes, getting fluttered at the sunlight. He ordered to close the curtains gripping his baby's hand tightly. 

" ba-bambi!....look at me, Minnie I h-" he was cut off by some of the doctors saying " need to go out, or else we can't do our work. Please co-operate with us, we kindly request you, we don't hurt your husband " as soon as he heard that his world dropped, he have to leave his jisoo now? No it can't be but he have to save jisoo, he had no option. He slowly took his hand back not wanting to leave . With heavy heart he got outside but still looking at his love who just struggling to open his eyes. He wanted go in so badly when he saw jisoo's reaction at seeing everyone infornt of him,with weak body he started backing of while screaming. Seokmin had an urge to go inside hide his jisoo from everyone, he felt an urge to chop those hands which are now holding jisoo who's now struggling and crying his heart out while mouthing something. 

" JISOO...!!!" He screamed when someone injected him harshly as he saw jisoo slowly losing consciousness again. 

Thats when he felt someone hugging him saying " he will be okay, it's completed min"


Double update cause ....why not

Okay I love you always 

Thank you 

Your Author 

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