Chapter 1

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Australia's POV

" That's all I can tell you for right now, Aussie. " My older sister America said. I couldn't explain it all at first, but I started to realize the great danger I was in. He was ticking time bomb, that I didn't notice. " Aussie, don't blame yourself for any of this. " My older brother Canada said. " None of this was your fault. You could never have seen the warning signs. He hid them too well. " Even though my family was trying to put me in great spirits, it wasn't working. I had lost everything I worked hard for. My kids were dead. My husband was nowhere to be found.

* Flashback *

I watched as Rica stood over Burma. He had knocked out Burma and saved my life. " Kiwi is still alive, but I can't contest for your children. " Rica said, " This doesn't make us brothers again. Take care Aussie. " Slowly Rica picked up Burma and flung him over his shoulder. Without a second glance Rica left with Burma. Leaving me pinned and alone.

* End Of Flashback *

I looked over at my twin sister New Zealand who was peacefully napping in her bed. " We will inform Kiwi that you have woken when she wakes up. '' America said, as she threw a blanket over me. " You in the meantime need to relax and get some rest. I wanted to resit, but I know she was right. I would get some rest and relax, but not sleep. I was afraid that I would never wake up again. Confederate must have noticed because he placed his hand on my shoulder and said, " We will make sure you wake up. " With Confederate's words I relaxed and drifted off to sleep. Keeping those words close to me.

Confederate's POV

I watched over the twins while America and Canada went to go and get them something to eat for when they both woke up. They slept peacefully which was good. However I had a bad feeling about all of this. There was something off about this Shwebo that Aussie married. I never liked Shwebo from the beginning, but Shwebo had the same feeling about me and made sure I knew it well. A song rang in my head everytime I thought about him.

Ever since she was a child
She always knew how to get her way
Just act a little bit wild
And someone will surely come to play

It's a truth took to heart
But humility and patience didn't come with age
She's born to play this part
A diva's always center stage

Toddler's cries that grow louder and louder
Relishing in untestable power
Glowing red in a black and white scene a
The one and only candle queen
Stoking the flames that burn higher and higher
Royalty with a crown of fire
Setting ablaze an extravagant scene
The only and only candle queen

Addicted to adrenaline
And always looking for attention
Thought to be so genuine
When she's suddenly met with apprehension

The fighting has begun
And she'd do anything to get ahead
Like using people as ladder rungs
And sweeping eggshells under the bed

Toddler's cries that grow louder and louder
Relishing in untestable power
Glowing red in a black and white scene
The one and only candle queen
Stoking the flames that burn higher and higher
Royalty with a crown of fire
Setting ablaze an extravagant scene
The one and only candle queen

Ah, but theres hope for you still
Before it all comes unfurled
Ah, you just need to chill
It's not the end of the world

She just can't help but be this way
She lost her true self long ago
Now all her friends have been pushed away
Because a caricature is all they know

Toddler's cries that grow louder and louder
Everyone rushing to disavow her
All alone in a black and white scene
The one and only candle queen
Hurt by the flames that burn higher and higher
Clutching a broken crown of fire
All alone in the final scene
The one and only candle queen

What a pity, that candle queen

I hummed to the song as it played in my head. " Candle Queen? Are you for real Dixie? " America asked as she stepped into the room with drinks. " Sorry, Meri but that song was stuck in my head. " I said to her as I took the drinks and placed them on the table. " Where is Nada? You lose him or something? " I asked as I looked around for Canada. " No, he is out talking to the doctor about getting the twins hopefully released soon. " America said as she looked towards the sleeping twins. If we could get the twins released we could get the little ones buried. They haven't been buried yet, because we were waiting for Australia to wake up. They are currently at the morgue. Waiting for us. The sight of them when Australia and New Zealand teleported to us was something I never want to see ever again. The horrible scene was something I never expected. The memoirs of this still haunt me to this day.

Canada's POV

I helped Aussie get down the stairs of the hospital. He was lucky that he on lefted with a broken arm. Before we even left they put a cast on Aussie. They said his arm should heal in the next couple of weeks. Countryhumans heal very easily and fast, so Aussie's speedy recovery was very nice. We headed to the morgue because the twins were very persistent about seeing Aussie's kids. We advised them both that it wasn't the right moment to see them, since they just got out of the hospital, but they didn't care. We all gathered in Dixie's truck and headed to the morgue. No one said a word. We were all too afraid to say something. It was going to be a long drive and it was. The silence made the car ride longer than it actually was. Once we got to the morgue we all got out of the truck and walked inside. You could see on Aussie's face that he was mentally preparing himself for what he was about to see. When the morgue officer pulled out the kids, it was the only thing the twins could do to keep themselves from crying. Kiwi got up and left the room, tears flowing down her face. Aussie stood there frozen. No emotion on his face. Looking like a statue. Tears looked like glass in his eyes. We dared not to mutter a word. We dared not take away his train of thought. I watched as he slowly turned around and walked out of the room. Meri signed for the morgue officer to put the kids back. No one uttered a word. No one moved. We let the kids have their time of grief.

I have been busy, so I haven't been posting. I promise that I will be posting more when I get free time, I promise. Stay safe everyone. Love Ya.

~ AusieCh

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