Consequences of Ignorance

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As senators continued to spar over logistics and leadership, the Senate unilaterally tasked Senator Godesan with mobilizing over 50,000 soldiers to reinforce Dumas.

However, the matter of reinforcements for other regions lingered unresolved, casting doubt on who should assume command.

In the midst of uncertainty, Emperor Molt grappled with mounting pressure but found solace in the potential strength of the empire's newly acquired slaves.

With the Senate's decision reached, senators gradually dispersed, understanding the gravity of securing their homeland and bolstering Dumas in these turbulent times.


15th of March, 687 A.D.

Senator Godesan remained unsettled, fully aware that their vassals were in open revolt.

He understood the value of the acquired slaves, but also recognized the underlying issue: the brutal response of the otherworlders to the enslavement of their citizens.

Yet, despite the complexities, it seemed the easiest path forward. Ironically, the very slaves they had acquired had become their most valuable assets. Lost in thought, Godesan was interrupted as his door swung open.

He observed the messenger, who saluted before relaying the latest developments. "Senator, we've hit a roadblock with acquiring more mages from Rondel. They're unwilling to send additional reinforcements, fearing the risk of inciting further conflict."

Godesan pondered for a moment, unsurprised by the news. "What about the supplies, manpower, and equipment I requested?" he inquired.

The messenger nodded, providing an update. "Senator, the Senate has granted us as much as they could. The recruits are mostly fresh, and the requested equipment has been delivered. However, we fell short on the quota for bowmen recruitment. We managed to secure over 20,000 crossbows, but engineers and mages remain scarce."

Godesan grimaced, understanding the implications of the shortfall. The costs were staggering, but stopping the Allied army at Dumas remained their best chance—provided they didn't bring the otherworlders with them.

"Learn and adapt," Godesan muttered to himself, resigned to the harsh realities Sadera faced.

He knew that they could not allow this state of affairs to persist, a sentiment shared by many other generals. It was time for Sadera to evolve, to confront the challenges ahead with resolve and ingenuity.


Within the grand halls of the Imperial Palace of Sadera, Emperor Molt Sol Agustus sat upon his throne, silently contemplating the recent events that had unfolded.

As he pondered, the heavy doors of the throne room swung open, drawing his attention. Molt glanced up to see Marcus entering, his expression grave.

"So, dear Marcus, what have those fools been plotting again?" Molt inquired, fixing his gaze on Marcus, who hesitated momentarily before responding.

"Indeed, Your Imperial Majesty. Marquis Casel, along with several others, are planning to undermine your power," Marcus revealed, his voice tinged with concern.

Molt sighed deeply, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down upon him. Despite his authority and the support of the council, his current position left him unable to take decisive action against the conspirators.

"Keep a vigilant eye on them, Marcus. And convene the privy council; we have much to discuss," Molt commanded, his tone firm yet weary, as Marcus departed to carry out his orders.

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