Chapter 4- PRETTY BOY

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I run and run till I almost can't feel my legs.

I should have been on all fours by now, but I have a feeling that if I shift, my wolf would take me somewhere or rather to someone that I am not ready to meet.

My Mate.

I think I might have just found my mate!

Why am I excited?! Why does the thought of possibly finding my mate make me so damn happy...

Red. 'No no no...' I have Red!

I have a mate. We are to be marked and mated by the end of this month!

This is my bachelor's party for goodness sake...

I halt and heave for air as I lean against the tree behind me. I slide down to the ground and sit with my knees facing upwards. My arms crossed and my gaze far off...



I type away on my work computer.

Apparently, my boss has to travel first thing tomorrow morning and had us reschedule our submit time.

So the work that wasn't due until 2 days, has to be submitted in one.

I bring out my phone to text Lizzy that I won't be coming over tonight.

ANAYA: "You guys go have fun without me 🤬"

LIZABETH: "😂 someone's pouty... what happened?"

ANAYA: "Work load..."

ANAYA: "Won't be able to go anywhere tonight, I'll be to tired."

I sigh and get back to work.



Soon after Devyn took off last night, so did Darrien.

I was left confused.

Darrien and Devyn are both my best friends and we all grew up together.

Darrien's mum is human. And she comes from a very wealthy family.

She's mated to his dad. And although she doesn't live with the pack, she still comes to visit.

After those two left, it was just I and two other werewolf dudes that were left at our club section. So we also left eventually.

I don't know what this is all about, but I'm hoping to get an explanation soon.

Darrien came back early this morning and told me what he thinks he might have found.

He said the reason he went off like that was because he went in search.

He said while we were at the club, he got a whiff of a scent. He said he wasn't sure at first but he impulsively decided to go after it.

But he said he lost track of it, after taking a few steps out of the club.

He insisted that we revisited the club tonight.


I'm honestly happy at the prospect that 'Darrien', my 'renowned lover boy best friend' would be meeting his mate soon!

I can't wait to tell Devyn.



When I get back, I can hear the cheers and laughter from inside.

That's a good sign. I really might get away with my escaping afterall...

"Devyn! There you are!" Oh boy...

"You need to hear this man!" Ryan cheers on.

I quickly put up a smile as I walk towards them on the sofa.

"Wassup?" I ask, getting curious myself.

"We think Darrien just found his mate dude." James, one of the guys answers me.

My eyes bulge at the news, not even concealing my shock.

What.. Really?!

"When?" I ask tentatively.
'Did they find out about her?' I start to get anxious.

"Yesterday. He just bolted off right after you. He said he felt that she was around somewhere." Answers Ryan.

"Yh, where did you go Dev?" James pipes in the question.

I am slightly dazed at the coincidence.

Ignoring James's question, I say instead, "Wow..."

"So have you met her?" My question directed at Darrien this time.

The look he gives me when our eyes meet makes me uneasy.

He's quite for a few seconds before saying, "No, not yet."

"Actually I was thinking we should go back to the club tonight.." he adds with a broad smile.

My eyes widen again but I quickly school my features. Then I nod.

Since he has decided to keep staring at me, I decide to give nothing away until I'm sure of how to handle this.

A few hours in the club and I've already had several wine glasses.

I notice people already leaving but there's still no sign of her.

I start to feel..worried?

Maybe just a glance won't hurt. Where is she?

Out of the corner of my eye I see a girl flirting with Darrien.

With the way he's indulging her after the news he dropped on us this morning... I'm guessing that's his mate.


I bring out my phone to taunt Naya.

LIZABETH: "Pretty boy in sight, gotta go byyeee,😝"

ANAYA: "You bitch!😭"


Hmmn... Lizabeth and Darrien hun? 😂

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