12.A Virgin and a Liar

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St. Francis National Forest- Arkansas

The walk back to the cabin has been silent, both of us too baffled to even utter a word. My entire body stung, the wet clothes clinging to my prickled skin. The chattering against my teeth has only grown worse the longer I was exposed to the bitter air. Silas had been kind enough to offer me his jacket, but I knew it wouldn't help-not with every layer of my clothes being soaked.

Whoever-or whatever Silas saw shook him up, possibly even more than me imagining Eric. His face has been a sickly pale since the creek, and he's been more alert. Constantly glancing over his shoulder and around us.

Gratitude swelled inside me as the cabin crested into view through the trees, gratitude that fleeted as quickly as it rushed through me. Swiftly I flung my arm out in front of Silas, heeding his way at the sight of a green truck parked behind my car.

"Who is that?" he questioned, his green eyes cycling between me and the truck.

"The cabin owner," I replied with a sigh. What in the world was he doing back here?

"Is he the reason you placed the couch against the door?" Silas questioned. "Because it certainly wasn't for a therian."

I just nodded in response. Fuck the gun, I have to hide it. Scrambling, I placed the rifle at the base of the oak tree next to me, heaving piles of the brittle brown leaves on top to conceal it. Just hoping the man hadn't spotted us yet.

I went to start walking again, but Silas grabbed my arm. "Hold up a second."

"What?" I asked, in an annoyed tone. I was freezing, exhausted, and starving. Plus I'd likely have hours of research to scour through-and to top it off deal with this creepy man.

"Back at the creek, you and I saw different illusions," he thought out loud, dropping my arm. "So we have no way of telling what or who this creature is."

I slid my gaze from Silas back to the green truck, he was right. Whatever this thing is can obviously mess with our minds. There is no logical reason for the owner to be here, not when I've rented the cabin for a week-not after I turned down his advance.

"Just stay on guard," I replied, resuming my way to the cabin.

The bald man jumped out of the truck as soon as we rounded the corner of the cabin. I shot Silas an uneasy glance, not quite sure how we'd test if he was involved.

"Ms. Miller!" The man called out sounding relieved, approaching us on the gravel drive. "I was worried about you out here all alone..." He halted his words, his eyes falling on Silas. "Oh so this must be your boyfriend," his voice held tinges of disappointment as he stopped a few feet from us.

I let out an involuntary cough, the lie I had told the owner had completely slipped my mind. Silas' eyes were burning a hole in the side of my face but I refused to look at him.

"To be honest I thought you had made up the entire boyfriend thing so you could let me down nicely." The man's spine stiffened as he spoke, his eyes sizing up Silas. He jutted his chin, his gaze slowly shifting to me. The man's face ignited with confusion. "Uh why are you wet?"

"She obviously didn't lie, so you can leave now," Silas said in a firm voice with a conceited smile.

"I assumed you lied about having a boyfriend and there was another attack last night... I was just making sure it wasn't you, but I'll- I'll be leaving now," the owner stated in a monotone sort of voice.

"There was another attack?" I spoke through my quiver. My face scrunched up watching the man continue down the gravel driveway. Damn vampire charm. "Silas make him come back," I whispered to him, wanting answers now.

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