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The foldable table was standing in the shade, Felix and Chan sitting at it.
Chan was already finished eating, Felix was still chewing, in thoughts. Felix probably thinks they the pancakes taste horrible. I was never good at cooking.

"Does it not taste good?" Chan asked, looking at the half-eaten food on the others plate. Felix looked up. "No,no, it does. I'm just not that hungry. Thank you a lot for cooking." He gave Chan a timid smile. "By the way, is there any more water?" Chan froze at the question, his eyes widening.
This pronunciation. He heard it before.
"Felix... is there any chance that you are... Uhm, Australian?"
Felix chuckled, nodding cheerfully. "Yes, I am. Why?"
"I'm Aussie too!"
"Wait, really? No way! Where exactly?"
"I wasn't born in Australia, but I moved there. I can recognise the accent!"
Felix threw his head back, laughing loudly. At such a cheerful sight, Chan also started to grin.
"I never thought I could meet another Aussie here. I grew up in Sydney, but I really couldn't tell from your accent, Chan!"
The table was packed up again, Felix's bike was in the trunk of Chans car.
Felix got in the front seat, right next to Chan. The engine started to gently hum and Chan started driving.
The weather was warm and windy, red dust flying across the barren landscape. Felix opened the window, his blonde hair immediately getting tousled.
"I really could get used to this. On my bike, I always have to be careful. But here... I can even sleep! Thank you!"
Felix excluded pure joy and excitement, like a child that had chugged down two litres of coffee.
Without asking, Felix plugged his phone in the cars speakers, and then asked: "Can I maybe play some music? Would that be okay?" Chan nodded, turning the volume up. He didn't mind some music. Felix pushed a button and a song started playing.
"Blurry lines yeah yeah yeah
So many so many any anything 아니 아니야야
Blurry lines yeah yeah yeah
So many so many any anything 아니 아니야야"

Chan didn't knew how he ended up here, but he was singing along with Felix to some songs. To Chans surprise, Felix had an amazing singing voice, deep and warm like honey.
As he was singing his heart out, Chan couldn't help but admire the others facial features. The way his eyes crinkled up when he smiled, his plump lips moving, the tan freckled skin almost glowing in the sun. The way his eyelashes were- "Chan! Be careful!"
Immediately turning away, Chan steered the car back onto the road, heart pounding.
"Not to be rude, but you are a terrible driver. I survived one crash, I don't need another one."
Felix looked at him with a cocked eyebrow.
"Maybe you should sleep. I can drive." Chan just sighed and slowed the car down. "That's a good idea." He was indeed tired, but not wanting to admit it.

Some minutes later Felix was concentrating on the road, the music was shut off. Outside, golden hour was at its peak, casting warm light over the mountains. Chan was laying on the backseat. He closed his eyes. Felix was still humming some calming melody. The sleepiness finally overtook Chan and he dozed away.

Route 50 |Chanlix Where stories live. Discover now