The First Day And Meeting The Fairy And The Princess

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(Also just to let anyone know the exam was a month before the start of the school year it seems like a realistic amount of time for a hero school to go through and prepare for certain quirks and just to sort through everyone's applications.

Just a quick timeline of events for anyone confused.

Izuku trained for the ten months, then took the exam, two weeks passed was when U.A. start sending letters, and finally a couple days later is when nezu visited.)

It was now izuku's first day at U.A. and he was excited and definitely not at all nervous. He was a little sad that his mother wasn't there but she had to leave for work earlier so mitsuki was seeing him off.

"Izuku are you okay? You seem a little sweaty like everywhere." Mitsuki asked looking over her nephew. "Yup t-totally fine, p-perfectly fine, w-why w-wouldn't i be?" Izuku said lying as easy as he breathed.

"Look just breathe and calm down okay?" As she grabbed both of his shoulders. "Your gonna do great, hell more than great i know you will because we all believe in you. Me, your mom, mei and her mom." She said gently squeezing his shoulders. "Just relax and show them what we see and know you can do."

Izuku looked into mitsuki eyes and knew that she was right he can't be the nervous pushover he was his whole life and that he had to prove to everyone at U.A. that he belonged there no matter what anyone said to him.

Izuku took a deep breathe and spoke. "Your right mitsuki. I can do this for all of you, but also for myself." Izuku with determination stood up straight and was about to walk out when he grabbed one more time by mitsuki and looked back confused.

"Umm mitsuki is everything okay? I need to get going before I'm late." Izuku wondered on why she was holding him back. Mitsuki looked a little nervous with a small blush on her cheeks. "Ummm...don't you want a hug or something before you go or...". She said but in reality she wanted a hug from him before he left for the day.

Izuku with a rising blush on his face now closed the door he barely opened and turned toward her and nodded softly. Izuku then stepped toward mitsuki with his arms open and wrapped them around her but around her back to not seem pervy to her. He was nervous about accidentally touching her breast but she pulled him in tight and they held eachother for a few moments before pulling away from eachother.

In that moment after the hug izuku looked up at her and saw she was also looking down back at him. His feeling that he's always had for her shot back up into his thoughts as he looked at her face but focused in on her lips.

Mitsuki was no different she felt everything she had confessed to izuku in his sleep seep back into her thoughts as well and also seemed to be focusing in on his lips to.

Slowly without knowing they inched closer and closer to eachother never breaking the eye contact on the others lips.

Suddenly they realized how close they were to eachother but instead of pulling away they gently brushed their lips together and were so lost in eachother that they didn't hear izuku's alarm going off on his phone but it slowly made it self into their ears and they quickly pulled away from one another as izuku turned off the alarm.

The doorway had a awkward feeling but they felt it wasn't the bad kind but rather a kind of feeling of understanding that a conversation was needed later on but the feeling was quickly stomped out as mitsuki cleared her throat and went back to normal still with a small blush.

"Right better get going, wouldn't want to be late on the first day and be known as the delinquent." She said in a humorous tone. Izuku chucked at the joke. "No definitely not. Wish me luck mitsuki." Izuku said as he left.

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