20: Adelina's Return Pt. 2

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Vanessa gripped the edges of the sketchbook so hard that the pages left grooves in her palms. Squinting hard, she began perusing the letter. 

My dear Vanessa,

I am sorry.

I'm sorry I did not call you. I looked at your number every single day but did not have the courage to pick up my phone. I'm sorry I let you leave without saying goodbye one last time. I was angry and my pride got in the way. I will never forgive myself for that. I wish I had kissed you one last time. Told you how much I love you. I hate myself for making such a big mistake and now I live with regret. 

I know what you must be thinking right now: 'Where are you?'

Here is what happened. After you leave Venice, I feel like my heart is broken in half. I decide to go to America and look for you. I go to La Luna and I find a Guido who give me your information. I feel so happy that day. I pray you will forgive me and take me back. But when I go to Santa Lucia to get my passport, I am hit by a speeding car. That was 5 months ago.

The driver died that day. Me? I was lucky...for a little while. My face was damaged and I looked ugly like a goat but I think, that's okay, I don't care. I will live. That's what's important. But that's why I give up looking for you. I don't want you to see me like this. I want you to always have the most beautiful memories of us in your mind. The most perfect image of your lover from Venezia. I am a broken man now. And I don't want you to see me broken. 

I hate myself for a long time. I still do. I cannot work anymore because no one wants to come near me. No one want to do business with a Frankenstein. I don't like going outside because people point and stare and sometimes laugh at me. I try to tell myself it is God's plan but why does God be so cruel to me? I did nothing wrong all my life. But here I am, with nothing. No wife, no job, no face. No you.

Me and Adelina, we live for many months like this...But then, my leg get a bad infection. At first, I think it's nothing so I don't see doctor. Then two week later, the pain is so bad, I feel like I have insects eating me from the inside. I need to go back to hospital. When the doctor see it they tell me they need to cut off my leg.

Adelina cry for a long time. Me too. There is no other choice. So I say yes to the surgery. I am going to surgery tomorrow. Doctor say it's very dangerous because I might have heart attack or stroke or just die on the table. I am scared to death. I try to be brave for my daughter but inside, I am so, so scared.

If I die tomorrow, Carla will prepare Adelina's things and send her to America in three weeks' time.

I don't want to die. I am still so young. Adelina is only twelve.

But I leave it in the hands of God.

If you are reading this, that means I am dead. And Adelina found you in Los Angeles. Please do not cry. Do not mourn for me. I am in a happier place now. A better place. My only concern is Adelina.

That is why I need your help. Adelina has an American uncle - my brother, Dante Romano. I have not seen my brother for many years but I call him and he say he will care for her like his own daughter. But he is a bachelor. He don't know how to look after children. Adelina is growing older. She need a woman to help her with life's troubles. She need to talk to a mother figure. I know this is very much to ask but if you can, please, talk to her. Tell her everything will be okay. She need you now more than ever.

Dante just move two months ago to Venice Beach in Los Angeles. Adelina has his address and phone number. I think he live close to your home. He is a good man but sometimes very stubborn and stupid. But he is kind in his heart. Even if sometime he say mean things or act too proud and irresponsible, he is a good person. Help him help Adelina. Please.

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