''I wonder what this breakfast is going to be like.'' Michael says and we can all hear his stomach rumble. I shake my head and we enter the breakfast room. It's a room with a lot of tables and also a lot of... Clocks? There are literally more than twelve clocks in this room, all different kinds. I don't know if I should think it's cool or creepy. The room also has a big table with lots of food on it, bread, sandwiches, ham, cheese, jam, butter. There's also a lot of orange juice, milk and apple juice.

''Good morning gentlemen.'' I hear and the four of us turn around to see Greta standing there. ''Good morning.'' I'm the first to reply. The others follow my example. ''Take a seat.'' She tells us while gesturing at the tables. We sit down. ''You can take whatever you like from the table. If you wish to have coffee or tea you can ask me and I will bring you a can. When you're one you can just leave and we'll clean it.'' She explains. We? I thought she was alone here. ''Have a nice breakfast.'' She says before smiling and walking away.

''Uhm, miss Hofmann?'' Calum asks, after which she immediately turns around. ''Call me Greta.'' She nicely says. ''Oh, Greta, can we have some coffee?'' He asks. ''Sure, it will be done in a second.'' She says as she leaves through the door that apparently leads to her kitchen.

''Well, who will get food first?'' Michael asks, of course. ''You guys can go first, I'll wait here.'' I say, even though the buffet is only a couple meters away from our table. ''Okay.'' Ashton says before getting up and walking to the buffet with his plate, followed by Calum and Michael. Our table is at the far corner of the room, at the window.

From there I have a beautiful view, the Zugspitze. I'm really curious what our skiing trip is going to look like today, I hope I won't fall that much as I did yesterday, it was embarrassing. There were seriously four year olds that were way better than us. ''Uhm, excuse me... You ordered coffee?'' I hear a sweet voice ask. I look up and see the girl from yesterday, when we went out to get some food. ''Yeah, that's right.'' I say while smiling.

I see she recognizes me because she immediately blushes. ''Well, here you are.'' She hands over the coffee and before I can even thank her she's gone. Well... Okay.

''Who was that?'' Michael asks, who's the first one to be done. ''I don't know, she just put down the coffee and left.'' I shrug. ''Hm.'' Michael replies before digging into his plate full of bread. ''Can I go now?'' He just nods and I get up. I catch myself thinking about the girl, she's really pretty. I still couldn't really talk to her though, because she was gone so soon. Her English was pretty good for a possible Austrian.

''Hey, what are you daydreaming about?'' Ashton says while nudging me. ''Nobody.'' I say as I can feel my cheeks heat up. ''Nobody? I asked what you were daydreaming about Luke, not who.'' He chuckles. ''Does it matter?'' I ask, slightly irritated, which I shouldn't be. ''I guess not.'' Ashton says, a bit confused. I don't know why I reacted like that, I hope Ashton knows that I didn't mean it. I fill my plate with some kind of bread, I believe they're called Kaiser Brödchen here, and some cheese. It's a shame that they don't have vegemite here, I miss it.

I put my plate back on the table before joining the other three boys.

''How did we exactly end up here in Lermoos?" Calum asks, the question I've been asking myself since we arrived yesterday. ''Well, after we played our show in Vienna we got a little holiday for Christmas and shit like that. We wanted to make a stop here before going back to Australia and now we're here.'' Ashton shrugs. ''Not that hard right?'' This time it's my time to shrug. ''I guess not.'' I say.

''When will we go home?'' Great, now I sound like I'm not enjoying myself. ''Tomorrow, why?'' Calum asks. ''No reason, I just wanted to know.'' I tell him before taking a big bite of the nice bread. It's quiet for a moment because we're all hungry as bears and currently devouring our food. I have respect for Greta, it seems like she has no husband and she still manages to have such a great guesthouse.

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