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"inner peace, focus.." Mr LaRusso's voice came from her laptop at full volume, which made her jump as she quickly sat up, lowering it "balance..these are just some of the skills that you will master when you join miyagi do karate. I'm Daniel LaRusso..and before I was the number one auto dealer in the valley..I was two time under eighteen karate champion." Mr LaRusso shared, as the video showed him kicking Johnny Lawerence in the face "what.." Letty questioned, as she turned seeing light coming through her blinds, she stood up from her bed and walked over to it.

"Now you can learn the secrets of Okinawan karate." Mr LaRusso said, as she brought her hands up and lifted up the blinds, revealing that it was now daylight outside "true karate, by joining the miyagi do team. Don't be a snake in the grass. Be a champion." Mr LaRusso said, as Letty turned back around "what!" she voiced, realizing he was talking about them and was basically calling her not a champion as she ran toward's the computer, clicking the share button "tweet us at hashtag team miyagi do. And all lessons are free. That's right, free. Because at miyagi do it's not about the money. It's about the karate." Mr LaRusso shared, as Letty scoffed, she sent the video to everyone in cobra kai and slammed her laptop shut.

Having gone to karate a few hours later, they all were in their gi's, as Letty stood in a circle with Aisha, Bert, Miguel and Hawk "I can't believe he made a commercial and is dissing cobra kai!" Aisha voiced "dissing cobra kai! He's dissing me! Practically saying that just because I'm a cobra kai that I'm not a champion? But I won! It wasn't rigged!" Letty voiced "we should get him back!" Hawk voiced "how? If we do anything he'll call the cops!" Letty voiced "can you believe he's also dissing sensei by saying that he's only in it for the money?" Miguel asked.

"Well, why are we paying for karate when this other guys giving it away for free?" someone asked, as they all turned their heads looking at him "shall we circle back to the part where I said we get him back?" Hawk asked, as they all turned and looked at him "and do what?" Letty asked "well we could.." Hawk began, as none of them knew that sensei Lawerence and Kreese were listening to them all start to bicker about what they should do about this.

And sensei Lawerence's idea of doing that was making a commercial of his own as Aisha held the camera up filming him "there's a lot of talking going around the valley about free karate. But everyone knows that in life. You get what you pay for. You wanna really kick the competition?" he asked, as he kicked a bonsai tree out of the boys hand, getting dirt all over him "then you need to get your ass over to cobra kai. Screw that lame meditation bullshit. What you need is bone crunching, face smashing, good old American karate." he shared, as he then punched the dummy.

"Enough about self defense. Learn self offense. Don't be a pussy. Join cobra kai and let me teach you, the way of the fist." he shared, bringing his fist up "and cut!" Aisha voiced as she stopped the video "all right, did we get it?" sensei Lawerence asked "I think so." Aisha told him "all right, great. Just make sure the cobra kai snake comes in at the end, all right? I want it to really pop. Make it chrome." sensei Lawerence shared as he began walking off "and throw thunderstruck under it." he shared "I'm pretty sure the rights for that song will cost too much." Aisha shared.

"No, I already own it. Cassette's in the car. Oh, and put one of those hash brown's at the end. You know, like, hash brown, team cobra kai or something. And then send it to the internet! Ms Diaz, I gotta talk to you!" sensei Lawerence voiced, as Miguel looked to her with furrowed brows "what'd you do?" he asked, as Letty threw her arms up and walked after him down the hallway "hey, tell that fat piece of crap Zarkarian to get the rest of this shit out of here. I've got a lot of new students coming in. This isn't a storage locker anymore." sensei Lawerence shared.

Opposites attract, Demetri Alexopoulos Where stories live. Discover now