11. T'was a Bear or was There?

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St. Francis National Forest- Arkansas

I shifted, avoiding the rays of the late afternoon sun glinting through the trees. "Here are your keys," the cabin owner said, holding out the brassy set of keys and a business card. "It's all yours for a week, my number is on the card in case you have any issues."

I gave the man a slight smile, reaching out to accept the keys and card. "Thank you, sir."

"Oh don't call me sir, making me feel like an old man over here," the owner laughed before scratching his bald head. His brown eyes skimmed around the open yellowing field around us before he not so subtly examined the faint bruises and gashes throughout my face. "Are you sure you will be okay out here all by yourself? The nearest house is at least thirty minutes out."

"I just need time somewhere peaceful, and I think this will be the perfect place," I lied, well partially lied, rubbing my tingling hands together for warmth. A couple days by myself surrounded by the forest would do me some good.

"Just try not to venture too far into the woods, I'm sure you haven't heard since you aren't a local, but we've had three bear attacks in the last week. I don't know what has them so riled up lately," the man said, surveying the dusky trees that lined the edge of the field like a cage. The tops of the trees curving inwards to the wavy earth.

"Oh okay, thank you for telling me," I returned, despite already knowing of the three maulings. Hell I wouldn't be here if there wasn't some sort of death or oddity.

"Are you actually sure you will be fine up here by yourself?" He questioned again, his hazy eyes running down my body, sending a wave of nausea through my stomach. "I'd have no issues staying here, keeping you company, making sure that big bad bear doesn't come near you." Internally I cringed at this forty year old man's attempt to flirt with me and at the smug smirk anchored to his thin, cracked lips.

"No thank you, sir, my boyfriend is actually coming up tomorrow morning," I lied, keeping my face rigid. I knew I could take him in a fight. Especially with the 9mm snuggly resting in my waistband, but I'd rather not even engage with him. The boyfriend card seemed to work thirty percent of the time.

"Oh uh..." he mumbled, redness blooming across his cheeks as he peered over his shoulder at his jacked up Dodge truck with chipped green paint. "Well if you need anything my number is on that card. Enjoy your stay," he awkwardly said, waving a hand as he walked towards his truck.

Huffing a sigh of relief, the crisp fresh air filled my lungs. I pivoted back towards the cabin. It was beautiful, in an antique sort of creepy type of way, but beautiful nonetheless. Its walls were constructed of a darkly stained white oak. Aged with sun-fading and various notches. A chiseled chimney constructed of gray stone protruded out from the arched roof. Two long, but thin windows were set just off the wooden door.

I walked to the battered door, only slightly limping now. My ankle was still swollen, and shot pain when I put pressure on it-likely due to the fact I haven't really had time to rest it. Hopefully in a couple days it will return to normal.

The key jammed into the lock, just as the man's truck fired up. I would most certainly be blocking the door so he wouldn't be able to use his spare key to get in, in the middle of the night. The thick door let out a loud creak as I pushed it open.

Before me was a quaint yet cozy space. I stepped inside pulling the door closed behind me. My nose was instantly welcomed with the comforting smell of fire. I set my duffel against the brown fuzzy rug that a couch with differing patterned patches sat on. It reminded me of an old grandma couch, and by the worn spots in the fabric I would say that a grandma did once own it... when she was a little girl. A rickety looking end table was positioned beside it, marked with water rings and stains. They obviously have never heard of coasters. My eyes drifted to the stone fireplace with a smoldering flame directly in front of the couch. The man must have lit it right before I got here, the chill in the air further enforcing that notion.

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