Francesca immediately shifted gears. "That's wonderful! Did you have a good time? Did you take her somewhere fancy? Does she like you?"

"Whoa, whoa, slow down, Mama. We had a great time. We just went to Harry's Seafood and had a simple meal. But we talked for hours. It's like we never run out of things to talk about."

"This is good news. I would like to meet the pretty blonde teacher."

"I don't think she's ready for our family yet, but eventually...if things go well."

"So make them go well. Lily clearly likes her very much!"

"Okay, Mama. I'll see what I can do." Lucas was not up to reminding his mother about the complicated nature of this romance. Better to just agree and see what happened.


Aria and Lucas sat near each other, but not too near each other, keeping an eye on the 6th graders and the kindergarteners while they quietly took turns reading to each other. Sarah, one of Lucas's students, approached the teachers. "We finished Beezus and Ramona, Ms. Spencer. Do you have something else for Sunita and I to read?"

"How about another Beverly Cleary book?"

"Sure." Sarah took the copy of The Mouse and the Motorcycle that Aria handed her and went back to her buddy.

When Aria sat down again by Lucas, he said, "Hold your hand out."

Aria was puzzled, but she did as he said. He put one hand underneath her hand and used the other one to drop something into her hand. It was a folded-up piece of paper. Aria gave him a questioning look.

"Open it," he said. So Aria unfolded the piece of paper, and she saw that it was a short handwritten note. It said, You look beautiful today. I like the way your scarf matches your eyes. Do you want to have pizza together tonight?

Aria was speechless. And completely charmed. Nobody had passed her a note since she was in sixth grade, and she certainly had never received one that made her so happy. She had to stop herself from giving him a big hug, so she got control of her emotions before she put the note down to write her answer on it. That sounds like an excellent idea, Mr. Cardin. She folded the note up and passed it back to him.

Lucas unfolded it and read her response. He smiled with satisfaction. "Great. 6:00 then?" he murmured.

"Perfect." Trying not to smile too much, Aria went back to watching the kids read to each other. And watching the clock. Four more hours until their date.


Aria was grading spelling tests when she heard the familiar click of heels in the hall. Uh oh, she thought, here we go again.

Brandi's perfume preceded her into the room—something spicy and dark that conjured up an image for Aria of a nocturnal animal stalking her. Nevertheless, Aria smiled and rose to greet her. "Mrs. Rutherford, how are you? What can I do for you today?"

"Since you are Lily's teacher, I thought it important that you understand her family situation," Brandi said. She removed her red leather gloves and tucked them in her matching bag. "As you know, Lucas and I married when we were very young, and impetuous, I might add. We also divorced impetuously."

Aria watched Brandi, wondering where this was going. "Now that we are older and more mature, and I have the wisdom from two other marriages, we both feel that our family belongs together. Lily needs both her parents, a mother and a father together. Lucas and I are rebuilding our relationship, and it will be an important foundation for Lily's well-being."

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