Making Our Rounds

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He was about to leave the building standing but he emptied the gasoline canister and lit a match 

See y'all how y'all get on top now 

Cash watched as one of the crew members came running back to the spot 

Cash sped off 

By the time Tip and Stitch finished at the warehouse and headed to the Killas spot just to find out it had been burned down 

There were fire trucks and police everywhere 

Stitch: Looks like someone beat us to them 

Tip: Lets get out of here before they start pulling people over 

Monet watched from a far as he watched the spot burn down. All their stash and money was gone now they were definitely fucked.

Monet: Fuck man now we gotta start all over 

Crew: Someone said they seen Cash run out the spot they think he did it 

Monet: Wait until I catch up with his ass I can't fucking believe it 


Cruz sat in the Wardens office as he went on and on about the two people he killed 

Cruz: Why we still on this fucking topic, I told you to make up some excuse 

Warden: Shit I have to answer to those bodies and they are on my ass about it 

Cruz: You gone have bigger shit to worry about have you looked into the new guard 

Warden: He came back clean 

Cruz:  I don't trust him we may have to lay low for a little while or don't put his ass on the night shift

Warden: You really think he's up to no good

Cruz: I don't trust no fucking body. Just know if our operations goes down we gone have some pretty upset customers

Warden: I know I know I'm on it no need to worry 

Cruz: Good because I would hate to have to fuck you up

Warden: You do know we would both be losing money 

Cruz: You heard what I said 

The Streets

Fatima: I think we need to make a couple stops and visit a couple of customer 

Zac: I was thinking the same thing 

Fatima: Looks like a couple of them have forgot who's in charge and are stepping out of line

Zac: I was afraid that was going to happen when we decided to lay low. Lets ride out 

Fatima and Zac made it to their first stop looks like they where living nicely for someone who has been coming up shortly lately 

They were having a good ole time off of their money 

Zac and Fatima walked in and joined the party 

Zac: We didn't get an invite to the party 

The music suddenly stopped 

Brandon: Oh we were just celebrating 

Zac: Celebrating what when you should be coming up with the rest of the money you owe us

Brandon: We got people out there working now 

Zac: Well maybe we should take this house and those nice ass cars out there for a payment 

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