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Warren's Pov

Me and my brothers are standing outside her apartment building. "We are going inside, after going into her room tranform yourselves into shadow so she can't sees us" I said. "Got it" Vesper replied.

She lived on the first floor. We went near the tree climbed it, it was easy to climbed for us and in next minute we were in her bedroom. Her room was clean and organized. She had so many books on her shelf and so many soft toys. Her room was perfectly arranged. Her diary was placed on her table. She writes poem, I smiled.

My brothers were looking at everything, she likes so we can keep it ready in our house. She had guitar. "Our baby loves to play guitar" i said to my brother they looked at guitar and smiled . We heard some noise from the kitchen.We shadowed ourselves and went outside and saw her. Her apartment was small,she was in the kitchen in that apron.

Why she looked so fucking sexy in that''? I thought. "Fuck , so fucking precious" Seth whisper making me and Vesper smile. "I am hard" Vesper said. I was hard too but we needed to control ourselves. She can't hear us and see us because we have transformed ourselves into the shadow. Perks of being vanpires. Vesper went towards her and inhaled her Vanilla scent. She smells so fucking good. Now we were surrounding her maintaining some distance.


There was a knock her door. "I swear if there is any boy i'll fucking kill him right here" Vesper seethed. Hearing his statement, we both were fuming in anger. She opened the door but there was old lady. "Miss Williams" our baby said her voice was so soft and it was music to our ears. We can never get bored of her voice.

"Dear, here i made some cookies " The old lady said. "You didn't have too" she tried to talk but that lady interrupted her "you're too kind Sivanna" Miss Williams said and continued "take it dear" she completed. "Thank you" she cooed.

"Sivanna" We repeated in unison. We smiled. "Our Sivanna" Seth said. We chuckled. "Only ours brother" Vesper replied.

Seth phone went off. He answered his phone and replied in anger "What"
"King Seth, you and other K-Kings have d-diner party to attend" that poor man replied. "We are coming" Seth said and cut the call.

"Dammit" Seth grunted. "What happen" Vesper asked. "We need to leave for that stupid dinner" Seth replied. " Let's just get over with that" I seethed and continued "We will come again mi qeurida". We looked at her for last time and left.

Sivanna's pov
I think i am losing my mind because it feels like i am not alone in this house someone is there. I can feel it. I can feel them but maybe i am imagining things again. Miss Williams my neighbour she is the sweetest she brought me cookies. I made some dinner for myself. I settled down on my sofa and started eating the meal while reading the books. Books how much i love to read them. My way to escape this real world. After dinner I cleaned up all the mess in kitchenand went in the bathroom. After long good shower i came out and wore my pyjamas. I tied my hair in messy bun and went to bed.


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Vesper pov

Now, we are stuck at this useless dinner party. We should have been with our baby Sivanna. I looked at my brothers they were also annoyed. We are getting obsessed, how much i want to leave this stupid party and go to her and kissed her. I want to feel her. I am craving for her presence and for her touch. I was too busy into my lustful thought when i heard Seth "let's just go" he said to us .We were getting irritated.

"Stop" Warren said and continued "We are done over here". Me and Seth smirked. "B-but Mr. T-Thorn the guests are on their w-way" the man said. "We don't care" Seth said and continued "It has been one hour and that bitch of your guests are not here " he completed. We got up from the chair and started walking towards the door. "B-But Mr. T-Thorn " the man tried to talk but i was done with this bullshit, i removed my gun and shoot him right between his eyes before he could complete his sentence. He fell on the ground. "Clean" I seethed to guards before leaving.

Me and My brothers left. "I miss her" Seth said. "Me too" Warren replied. I smiled at them. "Are we in love or we are just obsessed" Seth asked. It was difficult question we knew that it has been only three hours since we had seen her but she was consuming our minds completely. We were getting addicted and obsessed with her.We smiled looking at each other. "We are madly and obsessively in love with her " I replied. We were totally smitten.

How much we hated that one word "love" but now everything changed. She changed that word for us. At that moment we knew that we are not planning to let her go. Even if she tried, running away from us , we will do anything to keep her with us. No one will take her away from us and if someone even tries to we will burn them alive.

"Now, she belonged to us" Seth replied and We smirked at his statement.

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