Chapter 5

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Wait is something that tears you apart from within. Yet many of us do it without a clue of how long it will take for a particular thing to happen. It for sure is draining and tiring. Years on years pass waiting and one day the life ends but the certain thing never happens.

Even the powerful souls are powerless in front of the courses of fate and time. Taehyung was one of them helpless. He remembered all the past years as he looked at the face of his fainted other half, "It was all worth it..... Now, wake up I have so many things to tell you......", he caressed Jungkook's cheek softly, whose head was resting in Taehyung's lap.

Taehyung took all the time to look at his features closely. He was overjoyed the moment Jungkook heard his Dragon voice. He wanted to fly Jungkook away from their right in that moment. However, he could not, still the time was not right. How he suffered every night along with Jungkook when they tortured his soulmate. How he held himself back by not burning down each and everyone of them for even touching a hair on his soul mate's body but he was bound. He cannot lay his claim on Jungkook until he turned twenty-one of age.

How hard it was for him to hear Jungkook's painful whimpers all night. Taehyung's grip got tighter on Jungkook's hand who started to squirm, trying to wake up, "Amica mia ..... Open your eyes please....", he caressed Jungkook's cheek.

Jungkook opened his eyes blinking multiple times before adjusting to see Taehyung's face he hurriedly sat back, "D-dragon..... D-dragon Lord....where are you......", Jungkook spoke looking here and there. His back was now on something softer.

 His back was now on something softer

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Imagine this in the cave....

Then he realized what happened before he fainted. He saw Dragon transforming into the King.

Jungkook gulped, "Y-you are my dragon Lord?", he spoke hesitatingly.

Taehyung smiled on how beautiful it sounded "my dragon Lord" from Jungkook's lips, "Yes, I am your Dragon Lord......"

Jungkook leaned in supporting his weight on his palms, he crawled forward to have a close look on Taehyung's face. As he realized it was the same pair of eyes, no way he failed to notice such a big resemblance before, "Am I not presentable in my human form.... I will turn back into my dra-.......", Taehyung was about to stand up when Jungkook held onto his arm, "W-wait......."

He crawled towards Taehyung more as he sat on his knees, in kneeling position infront of Taehyung. They were face to face, Jungkook lifted his fingers and traced Taehyung's face. His eyes first, then the bone of his cheek, then his jaw and lastly his lips, Jungkook's hand roamed all over his face softly, "Y-you are my Dragon Lord?", he spoke with the most innocent unbelievable eyes.

Dragon Lord | Taekook Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora