Part 7

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I have an urge to slash Jude's tires. That way, at least, I would be able to steal a few more, precious moments of tonight, and make them my own. The drive up the mountain to my house passed way too quickly, even though Jude was driving cautiously, slowly. I tried to breathe in everything about Jude's car; the way it didn't smell, like boys cars always seemed to on TV. The way that instead, it had the same, subtle scent that followed Jude like a shadow. I've learnt to crave that scent, allowed it to infiltrate my mind. I'm scared of how much I'm becoming attached to it, but I can't stop myself from dreaming about it, or rather, the scent that represents the person I can't seem to tear my eyes from.

Without meaning to, I've managed to study Jude, the entirety of the drive up the mountain. Even under the lowlight, his jaw cuts through the air. His eyes, although focussed on the rugged terrain, keep nudging the distance between us. Flicker over the console to where I'm sitting, my legs tucked under me as I lounge, exhausted, in the passenger seat.

The click of the handbrake pulls me from my thoughts, the thoughts I've felt myself becoming lost in during the last few days. Well, the last year. Since this... this unique, wonderful boy stumbled into my path.

Without moving my body too much, I unlock my seatbelt. I watch as Jude moves to do the same, but before he can, I reach my hand around his body, and leave it to rest over his, which floats just above the unlock button. I hear Jude gulp, softly, as I latch my fingers over his.

"Don't get out. I'll be fine." I say, my voice barely more than a whisper as I try to look anywhere but Jude's lips. There's this energy between us, this intense feeling, which only grows with every moment that we share. It's been building all night, since I spotted him from the top of the mountain.

"You don't want me to walk you to the door?" He replies, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. The concern almost makes my heart melt. Actually, scrap that. I think my heart has already melted.

"Not tonight. I doubt anyone will still be awake to say hello to anyway."

"Ok then. If you're sure." I can't help but notice how Jude's shoulders deflate a little. But it's too late, and I do not want to have to explain all of this to my parents tonight. That is, if they're still awake. If they even knew I was out. "And in the morning, apologise to your parents on behalf of me. It's my fault we're out so late. Seeing as, I apparently fell asleep on your shoulder." I shake my head silently, letting a laugh stay silent in my throat. Lifting my head, I bite my lip a little bit. Jude's staring right at me, his eyes scanning all over my face. Tracing every inch with his gaze, studying every part of me. His lips hover slightly apart, as silence hangs over our heads. I know I should get out of the car. That I should turn my back, before I fall too far into this. But there's so many conflicting thoughts in my mind; the largest one being, why would I feel this pull, this ache in my chest, if Jude wasn't meant to fall into my life?

I hadn't realised I was still grasping Jude's hand until he holds the edge of my fingers, and pulls our hands to rest in the middle, bridging the gap between us. He flips my hand over, and begins to delicately draws small circles over my palm. I almost gasp, the soft touch sending a shoot of energy up through my arm. My eyes alternate between watching the spell Jude's put on my hand, and the way he gazes down at me, with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Am I..." His voice breaks our silence, causing my breath to catch.

"Are you what?" I taunt him, excitement and nerves dancing on my lips. I don't know where I've found this confidence, this desire than thuds in my chest. I've only ever read about this kind of things; and now, I'm living it. This dream that I've had for so long.

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