Chapter 22

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The slap cause Donghyuck to stand frozen with his eyes widened. He didn't expect that to land on his face.

People nearby was so stunned, and they gasped too.

"You..." Mrs Lee jabs his finger on Donghyuck chest.

The obvious irritation surged up inside of her. She was also fuming, and she wasn't alone. Mark driver was there not that Donghyuck know who he was actually.

Probably the interim driver had told his mother about it.

Because he had drove Mark to Donghyuck's apartment and saw how the latter was carried by Donghyuck and Yuta and he had followed them.

"What the hell?" Yuta yelled back at Mark's mother.

He turned to Donghyuck, pulling him close.

At the same time, Taeyong and Jaehyun arrived. They changed to their defensive and protective mode to Donghyuck with immediate effect.

They could feel the tension building up even though they had just arrived.

"I know you're fucking crazy to be slapping him." Yuta barked.

"What? She slapped Donghyuck?" Jaehyun was shocked.

"What-" And so was Taeyong.

They were practically lost for words now.

Donghyuck was moved to Jaehyun's back, making the tanned hide his presence.

"Mark will always end up in this situation if he's around you!" She spat back, rolling her eyes.

She even scoffed seeing how the tanned was kept behind them. She didn't fear them as she got her bodyguards waiting at the entrance.

"But you don't have to be rude, he brought Mark to the hospital." Jaehyun said, glaring at her.

"Why is my son coming back here then?" She folds her arm sarcastically.

Donghyuck whole body trembled, it's not like he was scared with Mark's mother but more to being ashamed and angry at the same time.

Why can't she respect him?

Why can't she give him some time to explain?

And why did she hate him so much?

"Mark had made his decision to come back to us, I hope you realized you are breaking a family apart."

She then leaves them, walking to the counter and asked for her son whereabout.

Taeyong huffed out, he shook his head, bringing the boys to walk away from being the centre of the feud.

The tanned male didn't say anything, his cheek was visibly red, and tears swelled in his eyes.

They went outside, there was a sitting area, a build in park from the hospital.

It was rather peaceful and didn't feel so cramp inside with crowd hovering the emergency lane.

Donghyuck was seated by Jaehyun at the outdoor bench.

"You okay, kiddo?" the dimpled lad said, ruffling Donghyuck's hair, messing it up to cheer him.

"Mmm." Donghyuck hummed quietly.

Taeyong went over to him, lifting his head up and turn him to the side to check on his cheek.

"This is going too far; she would hurt you more than this."

Taeyong declared, feeling so bad for the tanned. Donghyuck was holding back his tears for sure. He didn't want to appear weak.

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