chapter 1

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In mohammed company
At  hamza cabin
secretary : sir the meeting will start in 10 minute

Hamza : ok i'm comming
(in sweet voice)

Muhammad hamza
Sweet , friendly , damn handsome and hot , animal lover , gentleman

Muhammad hamza CeoSweet , friendly , damn handsome and hot , animal lover , gentleman

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secretary smile and leave

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secretary smile and leave

After 10 minute hamza leave for meeting

                       At meeting

Mr Dlamini : we would really like to  callab with you Mr hamza
(Said with a samile)
Hamza : same here mr Dlamini
(Said in sweet voice)
Mr Dlamini : "so what we are waiting for let's sign the papers here is the papers"
Hamza : Bismiallah
(hamza sign the papers)
Mr Dlamini : what was that worde you said before singing the papers

Hamza : that word was " bismiallah "
We muslim said this often like if we do something before doing that worke we said "bismiallah"
Mr Dlamini ok now i get it i will also said this
(then he said bismiallah and sing the papers)

Guyss sorry to disturb I want to tell you something mr Dlamini is not muslim he is form africa his full name is "Azizi Dlamini" ok let's continue the story

Then they both shake hand🤝

Mr Dlamini : mr hamza let's enjoy our successful meeting let's  party
Hamza : why not mr Dlamini so the party will be after tomorrow
Mr Dlamini : noo problem

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