I'm tired # 1

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guy I cried when I realized how long I haven't written it is actually sad tbh and I miss it I wish I didn't randomly stop like everyone I have my bad days but we get threw them but love y'all's so muchhhhhhhhhh

Johnnies pov:

I woke up around 10:00am which is not bad for me 😜. I looked up to see Jake's head leaning against the wall. He looks like he could sleep for 850years.The room was dark which made me tired.oh yeah me and Jake want to get a roommate it's going to be fun.As I lay in silence for about like 5 minuts I start to realize I want to listen tom music.Sooooooooo I just went on YouTube and played a random song I think it's called "faster n harder" idk I just want background music (totally not me just reflecting what I do everyday). I start to fall back asleep

Jake's pov:

I woke up to Johnnie still sleeping and music playing it's around 11:30am and I think the music has been on for awhile but it was playing "Yummy" isn't that Tara's theme son.... before I could finish I hear a knock on the door it's it's it's TARA."TARA WHERE THE HELL DID YOU COME FROM" I say extremely confused "Jake shut up and play the song" Johnnie says knowing why she's here.Tara starts dancing and singing."oh my God I'm tired uhhhhhb" Johnnie says annoyed."My head hurts helpppp" he says angrily."Then lay down my dear I'll lay with you and TARA TURN THE MUSIC DOWN IF YOUR GOING TO STAY HERE". I lay with Johnnie and get blankets tara sits on the bed and watchs tv.I don't know how or why she's here I'm still confused about that.At some point Tara falls asleep so I give her some covers as she's at the bottom of the bed sleeping like a baby.Im glad to have great people in my life.

Hey my loves don't hate me 😭😜 but I'll try to update more but it might be like every 2weeks with testing and cheer it's a lot but I # love you guys byéeeeeedd⊙△⊙(=θωθ=)

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