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Jennie's POV


Those words came out of his mouth so fluently as his stare at me became clearer now.

It hit me.

Everything seemed clear now. The way Taehyung looks at me. Ever since I met him, how he looks at me always seemed so strange. I don't know, it was just different. But now I know. They say the eyes were the windows to the soul, but since I was too dense to see it, even though it was clear, I never noticed it before. Those eyes told other people, that he was longing, that he was waiting, he was loving a person. And that person was me.

His stare at me right now was full love and affection, that it was overwhelming. I kept staring at his eyes, trying to find an answer. And I eventually did.

But that answer, I resented.

I like him back. Maybe even love him.

I understand now. I understand everything. Do you wanna know why I resent the truth so much? Do you know why I resent the fact that I like Taehyung too?


On the night at prom.

I cried and ran away from that heartbreaking scene. Jungkook was kissing another girl.

I ran and ran, passing people blindly, until I reached the exit, but just before I could go any further I was pulled behind a wall.

It was him. Jungkook.

I resisted and fought back, trying to pull my arm away from him but it was no use. He was obviously stronger than me.

I finally gave up and shouted at him.

"WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" I bursted and didn't even bother to stop my tears.

"Let's break up" he said in the saddest voice I heard from him.

But why would he be sad though? HE was the one who cheated! HE was the one who found another girl. HE is the one who's breaking up with me. SO WHY WOULD HE BE SAD!?

I cried louder and slapped him, "Isn't it enough that you hurted me?! Isn't it enough that you cheated?! Then you just come up and tell me that you want to break up?! You're not even fixing the mistake you have done! You're not even apologizing!" I said as I kept hitting his chest but he didn't even budge.

"Jennie... " his voice cracked.

I looked up to see that he was also crying.

What? Why would you cry?!

"Do you really think I wanted this? D-do you really think that I didn't love you? I'm sorry if I hurted you. But it's just so... U-unfair!" He exclaimed the last part and more tears started falling from his eyes.

"It's unfair to me that even though I was here, you were thinking of another guy. Even though you were dating me, you also liked someone else! And it hurt so damn much! It's unfair! You were there happy with both him and me, it was like you were double timing at us except that you were never official with him. While I was here, breaking that you liked someone other than me. Shouldn't it be enough that you had me?! Am I not enough that you started to like someone else?!"

"That girl, I was with. She helped me every time I was hurt because of you. She was there to comfort me when I wanted to just drown in my tears. She was the one who helped me move on. Even though we didn't officially break up yet. It felt as if we did. Even if you still have some love for me in there, I know very well that you love him more. So here I am, officially breaking up with you" he said with a bitter smile, tears still falling down with his eyes.

Everything he said struck me. It pierced through my heart and it hurt. But even if it did, that doesn't mean I understand anything he said.

I don't love someone else. Heck! I don't even like anyone other than him. So what's he talking about?

But before I had the chance to speak, he spoke again before leaving me there unable to speak what I wanted to say.

"Hope he finally confesses to you. Have a good life Kim Jennie. Please be happy with him... "


Everything Jungkook told me about that night finally made sense. He was able to see when I wasn't able to. And I feel so angry at myself for hurting him like that. Jungkook deserved someone way better than me. A person that can actually be loyal to him.

Then here comes Taehyung.

Even though I love him back, I- I-

"I can't" I spoke.

His grip on me loosened as his expression darkened.

And here I am again, hurting another innocent person.

"Wh-what?" Taehyung's voice trembled.

It already hurt realizing what I did to Jungkook. It doubled when I was also breaking Taehyung's heart by rejecting him but I had to. I just to.

"I'm sorry Tae. I just can't return your feelings" I said and started sitting up.

But he pulled me back.

"J-Jennie, why? C-can't you at least g-give me a ch-chance?" He said in a low voice, as it cracked in the end.

My heart broke. He was close to crying. But if I did tell him the truth and accepted his love. I would just hurt him more. It's better to see the scene on front of me just once, but seeing it often would break me.

"I'm sorry Tae. But I just can't" I said and ran out.

And for the second time I cried because of my own mistakes.

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