Echoes of regret

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you said you were young, maybe a little bit dumb,
Didn't realize the weight of the words you had sung.
Wanted to have fun, wanted to be free,
But in the process, you ended up hurting me.
In the echoes of regret, I search for my part,
What fault was mine, in love's cruel dart?
Did I hold too tightly, or let go too soon?
In the dance of emotions, was I out of tune?
Yet in this tangled web of hurt and pain,
I still seek answers, amidst love's refrain.

I poured my heart out, gave my all to you,
Love, affection, every moment too.
But you turned a blind eye, didn't seem to see,
The depth of my love, the intensity.
Every gesture, every word, I laid bare,
But you didn't reciprocate, didn't seem to care.
I gave you my everything, yet you couldn't see,
The love that I offered, so pure and free.

things that are left unsaid Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz