Revisitng project babe.

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It's fucking freezing so all the more reason to bundle up for my date with Austin.
Flannels are a hermit's best friend. So are beanies.
The plan, mainly constructed by my more inspired mother was to go for a completely romantic park date so I can sit on his lap in the swings and make out with him.
I'm paraphrasing. I think she said ask 'him to be my bf'.
Literally just the letters.
My own mother is hipper than I am.

I heard a knock at the door, the hollow sound that normally earned a disgusted groan now evoked excitement from me (and my mother).
"Hello Alan!" Austin said, as I unlocked the door.
I looked him up and down and saw, clinging to his broad shoulders a little girl,
"Hello Austin, and co."
"Uh, yeah. This is my cousin Kenadee. She was dropped on me at last minute, sorry." He was sheepish, but it was really alright with me. Getting to see Austin playing with a little girl is something I imagine would be deathly adorable.
"No, no it's fine. She's adorable." I looked up at little Kenadee, "Hello Kenadee."
She giggled and slumped down Austin's back so that she couldn't be seen as well. She was a giggly shy kid, similar to Austin.

"So, Where are we heading?"
"Well, as I lack imagination and that going somewhere cool to eat seems to be a running theme in our dates I thought we could go to the local park for a picnic."
"the park?" Kenadee asked, rising up from behind Austin's shoulders, he was pretty strong if he could hold her up like this for ages.
"Yup. Do you like the park?" I asked her
"I love the monkey bars!" She had the same childish excitement as Austin, she really did challenge the 'cutest Carlile'
It was always going to be Austin.

I picked up a wicker basket.
I am actually Dorothy. Let's follow the yellow brick the gates of hell.
But instead of a dog in my basket I have assorted fruits and snacks.
"Shall we go?"
"Sure. Just wait one second, I'll figure out how to hold your hand and carry Ken."
I chuckled and blushed, he was actually the most gorgeous boy.

He shifted Kenadee so I coud, slip my arm through the gap before he dropped her.
"Ta Da." He said, being the shorty I am I had to lean up against him so my arm wouldn't slip.
Not that I minded or anything.
"Austin." Kenadee said, after we had walked in comfortable silence for a bit
"Yes little butterfly?" He said.

He had a cute nickname for her, Austin + Child + ALIAS: butterfly = giving me butterflies.
That's some AP Maths.

"Is Alan your husband?" She asked, so simply and sweetly it made me laugh.
Asutin chuckled as well and looked at me, smiling broadly,
"No he's not. We're too young to be married."
"No you're not, a boy asked me to marry him."
"Are you going to?"
"I already did. On Friday at playtime."
"And you didn't invite me?!"
"Sorry Austin." She giggled.

This was actually to adorable to be described without making odd groaning sounds or shrieking so I just blushed and smiled.
I also felt lucky.

"Okay. Here we are." I said as Austin set Kenadee down.
"Can I go play Austin?"
"Be careful my little butterfly."
"Thank you." She ran off, heading to the monkey bars.
I spread out a rug and Austin sat down, facing the play equipment.
I sat down next to him and he immediately moved over and put his arm around me, pulling me close.

"Sorry if what Ken said before was weird."
"Oh no, it's okay. Really, it was kinda cute."
"You're cute."
"You're cute."
"You're cuter." He turned and kissed the tip of my nose. I blushed, that wouldn't make me cuter.
We sat, just savoring each other's company.

Then it, struck.
I am a cliche loser but cliche things are cliche for a reason. They are nice, so forgive me if the term struck accurately dupes corbels the thought process I had.
"So Austin. I was just wondering..."
"What's up Al?"
"Well I have a question, then depending on the answer to the said question."
"Okay, fire ahead."
Okay, here we go...
"First question. Will you officially be my boyfriend?"

The on,y thing I could feel was the beating of my heart.
Just kidding.
I'm not that horribly soppy yet.

"Yes. I will be your boyfriend." He said, simply.
"Thank you."
"No thank you, I meant to ask you last night but I got distracted. Current affairs and overlooked flaws in society distracted me."
I kissed his cheek, he was kinda stubbly so it wasn't as gentle as I had hoped however it was the thought that counts.
"Second question?" He asked
"Oh yeah, Can I call you babe?"
"Yes. Yes you can call me babe."
"Thanks, babe."

This time we actually kissed, passionately. Austin was showing off his strength and I was more than happy with it.
A cough from Kenadee split us apart.
"Sorry Ken."
"I thought you said you weren't husbands."
"We aren't, we're boyfriends." He winked at me.
"Same thing. Come okay with me!"

Overall we spent the rest off the afternoon on the play equipment, stopping only to eat.
And Make out on the swings.
Kenadee was such and angel. Like her older cousin.
We laughed and joked, and kissed till Kenadee was too tired to fight against leaving the park.

We arrived back at my place.
Austin, eager to get Kenadee home said goodbye quickly.
"Goodnight boyfriend."
"Goodnight boyfriend." I said back, leaning up and kissing him quickly and softly.
Austin strapped Kenadeeinto the back seat and got in the front.
I blew him a kiss as he drove away.

I am too tired, I had a figure skating workshop today and everything hurts.
Wish me well for the morning.
Hope y'all enjoy the chapters.
-M x

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